Abortion - Unwanted Pregnancy

August 24, 2022
There is a  divide in the nation over the right to an abortion end an unwanted pregnancy. We are not medical experts and cannot say when life begins, if anyone can, which is highly questionable no matter what anyone claims.

Regardless, the results of unwanted pregnancies and the years of potential suffering that may that take place afterwards confirm what happens when a child is brought into the world and ends up in a single parent family not supported by both a mother and a father. In a huge majority of cases the broken family unit suffers financially, developmentally and educationally. These broken family units ruin lives and place an enormous burden on society. I would venture to say the greatest responsibility falls on the mother. This is not fair or right.

It took two to tango but somehow the woman nearly always has to stay at the dance while the man in many cases leaves the scene and the responsibility.  Forget the bullshit about the sanctity of life and all that crap.  If you can level the playing field with DNA testing and force the male to pay and support the child both with time and money until adulthood, that may help.  If not, DNA can identify the father for $100 or less, and he either participates equally, or you simply castrate him, cut off his dick, the two forefingers he played with and clip his tongue so that the world gets the idea that knocking someone up and not accepting responsibility has serious consequences.

Don't like that solution, then supply abortion pills and birth control to women so they alone do not bear the burden of a mistake, an unwanted pregnancy.  As for the church stepping in, when they stop bankrupting parishes so they don't have to pay reparations for the diddlers in their rank, hiding perverts in their midst  citing lack of evidence, they can have a say.  Otherwise tell them to fuck off.  And for those of you that value the sanctity of life so much, sign up to pay double the taxes of practical people and let your money be used to create a social safety net for the fuck ups. The Female Face of Poverty