Being Black

April 06, 2022
Sorry for the impolite words, but it got your attention.  I have been writing for years that slavery was never about skin color, it was always about money.  And there is no question that people who descended from slavery inherited and endured horrible treatment afterwards.  But you can see the idea of that when you get close to disadvantaged homeless people living in poverty on the street.  I suspect your kindness drops a level. 

What is really important to let sink in is the origin of slavery, and its purpose.  Slavery was and is to this day about money.  The people who engaged in the slave trade could care less about skin color, it was simply a matter of output, profit.  How long and hard would a slave work and therefore how much money could I get from buyers of this human machine?

And as I have repeatedly said, if Eskimos, those people that populate the North Pole area could work longer, harder, faster, day in and day out than black slaves, America would have a whole bunch of short, blubber eating ex slaves bitching about how they were treated, with equally good cause, and black nations would have more people.  Santa Claus would suffer a labor shortage.  But the fact is, living in hot climates and adaptation to heat is what drove slavers to capture dark skinned people, because that is what the American south needed and would pay for. 

Slaving was about money then, and now you are seeing the same form of slavery developing at the southern border, promoted not by the sky is opening divine goodness blessing America and the illegal immigrants, but by lying corrupt politicians and the companies wanting cheap and compliant laborers that are willing to get into the boats all by themselves. 

That particular group should have no respect from anyone.  It is one thing to be taken in chains to a country and being forced to work for generations for free, and quite another to
refuse to fight for the place you were born and go to the home of others who you will steal their livelihood from, to make your own wretched life more comfortable.  The colonists and those enslaved gave their lives for America, by will or by force, and that sacrifice must not be cheapened by modern slavers who would undermine that history and pit illegal immigrants against those that have given their history and their lives for America, just so they can get votes and cheap labor. It is abundantly clear that the money and power grubbing slavers and the politicians they have bought could care less what color any citizen is, they will screw Americans of all color equally with their policies, whether they are black, white, brown or chicken s**t green.

The second thing to know if you are black is this.  While everyone decries white privilege and poor treatment of black people, I would like to point out that whitey in all of his privileges, has proven to be dumb as a bag of hammers.  This time, instead of having to be whipped and shot, the dumbasses are willingly enslaving themselves to debt, mortgages, car payments, and to wearing designer clothes not made in America, all carrying the logos and names of the maker.  Talk about stupid, enslaved white dumbasses walking around like billboards at their great expense, while working for companies that will replace them in a minute if someone will do their job for less money.  Oh, but this is "Gap", oh, but this is a BMW, or whatever.  All BS and evidence of an enslaved idiot.

The good thing to know about being black is the fact that whether out of choice, or lack of it, the black community has proven to have a greater predisposition to disregard conventional thinking and respect, and is willing to rise up against institutional nonsense. Black people excel in many areas and are special. Whitey meanwhile is now voluntarily putting on the slavers' chains.  Feel great about saying screw them and the horse they rode in on. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights have no mention of color, and none of them are based on a belief that there are inferior humans.

The black community has suffered for years from the carry on effect of being ostracized in society.  Divisive laws have been created to continue that injustice.

“Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and that when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.” - Martin Luther King

There is no reason to go backwards and there is absolutely no reason to put up with anything past, present and future governments expect you to agree with.  The basic idea of the nation was well thought out and it is clear that the current administration is trying to destroy it completely, and subject all of America to a form of slavery not one person should ever put up with again.

And in full disclosure, our family has two wonderful black grandchildren, a wonderful black daughter in law, and her parents are a teacher and a musician.  How lucky is that.  And further, the partner that started this site is a Jewish lawyer who is white.  Black eyed peas and rice.

And, like every other man in free societies, I will have to listen to my wife giving me hell for the next ten years for using the word nigger.