China Wins & Why

December 21, 2021--First Publication Date May 15, 2020

China is on the path to winning because it is doing more of the things necessary to help average Chinese citizens get ahead and putting curbs around activities that will cause helping its citizens to fail.  Arguments about the treatment of the Uighurs, lack of democracy etc. do not mean a lot.  What China is doing differently is what you should look at. America's leaders are systematically undermining and destroying the American people and its corporations are robbing them blind to line their own pockets.  It is shocking how many Americans capitulate, as if in a daze.  China is currently doing the opposite.

China is not attacking America in armed combat, yet is competing directly with America in business worldwide.  Name one benefit you get from American corporations expanding to other nations and encouraging wars to make sure they can go there.  Should you be required to burn down Burger Kings to help McDonalds?  And if you say you do care about foreign companies competing with American companies are you willing to go yourself and send your son's and daughters to China to directly fight the Chinese people and kill them to show how much you care? Are you willing to allow the absolute morons in your government to start a nuclear war that will most definitely bring the same nuclear destruction home to America?

If you spend any time watching or reading the "spin (information that is calculated to mislead, deceive, or lead to false results, like a map with roads deliberately mis-drawn)" on major networks, you would get the impression that the so called "free" world is moving to a place where men have limp wrists, wombs, being white is evil and racist, guns are bad, and that you should lay back and take it.  The current trajectory of your future is living in a nation surrounded by enemies everywhere that only a lying and corrupt military industrial complex can hold the enemies at bay.  Of course these lying corrupt propagandizing whores will use every one of your dollars they can suck out of the economy to create conflict and line their own pockets.  Why is that? 

People that actually want to win on their own, believe in their own ability, and will fight for their lives when they have to and do what it takes to survive, understand that what Biden and the Democrats have ushered in is all deliberately divisive nonsense. You cannot beat, torture, threaten, or propagandize belief into or out of anyone as long as they are surrounded by people who know better, which is one reason the media tries to sow division between friends and family.  It is also the reason this site includes as much detailed information as it can about its articles and commentary. Eventually a tipping point will be reached and a significant group of people won't take it any longer. And they are the truly intelligent ones. 

China is not taking it, Russia is not taking it, and many other people in your own country are not either, in the same way many of the colonists, although not all, did not keep on taking it from Britain after giving Britain years to make changes. No one should continue to take it and if war is inevitable, then it should be as devastating as possible.  Today the technology and biology exists to make it so.  You can argue that right is on your side, but that has to be demonstrable and there is no church, government, or army anywhere in the world that can do so. 

NOTE: if I quote religious texts, read this book on Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke and you will understand why. It is not because I believe in or follow the business of organized religion. It is however important to have hope, and if a belief in a Superhero helps, that is great. Eventually however a real Superhero after holding your hand to help you gain strength asks you to do it yourself. There is no justification to live your life as a follower of some superhero."

Romans 14:14 "I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteems any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean."

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." - William Shakespeare 

What the so called leaders of the world are proposing is a world of rulers who have permanent entitlement for themselves and billions of citizen slaves indentured by debt, corrupt laws, and edicts from "leaders".  Those so entitled live separate and apart from the masses who are supposed to suffer in silence. They are absolutely your enemy and are as dangerous to your future and that of your children as people who would enter your home to rob and kill you.

15 Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.…

You should be happy someone is challenging these people like China and Russia are doing. They are doing the heavy lifting most of your countrymen will not do and certainly none of the illegals will.  The illegals did not have the guts to fight for their homeland, so yours is out the question. But they will take your jobs and whatever the idiots in your government will give them from your tax dollars.

That does not mean the leaders of China and Russia want to impose some kind of heaven on earth for citizens, but their ability to confront your enemies in your own government is a win for everyone because the conflict exposes the frauds our own governments try to pull off in the phony, lying description of what a so called free state of democracy is.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

To elaborate on how these frauds are exposed you need only to understand one word, its called speaking.  Speaking and writing are the same in this case.  The moment a liar speaks you have all the ammunition you need to rip the lies apart and get the truth.  The news for the last number of years is proof of that.  CNN and many major networks vomit lies constantly.

China is using what it sees work in market driven economies to benefit China's people, and America does NOT like it. When the liars tell you China is cheating America in businesses, they are lying in no uncertain terms.  American corporations all went to China ON THEIR OWN because of the cheap labor, skilled work force, and shipping infrastructure, all of which adds up to more MONEY IN THEIR OWN POCKETS.  Did China kidnap their kids? Nope.  Did China infect their brains with China Love Drug? Nope.  American corporate whores are on their knees slobbering for a buck.  All China had to do was show a little skin, which is their billions of citizens who want to buy stuff.  Call it unmitigated greed, which American corporations and elected officials know all about.  They swim in it and breathe it in like oxygen.

On the matter of violence, which is not an endorsement, but simply the reality that if your life is threatened such as in the case of reducing your wages, letting illegals take your job and work for less because some greedy creeps want to screw you and them, the alternatives to violent revolt such as voting for change, complaining or protesting and so forth are simply diversions to give the corrupt, the crooked, the exploiters time to rig the outcome, which they can do with great skill in the courts, in the political arena, and reliance on gutless citizens to sit back and do nothing. Think of giving a rattle to a crying baby. That is a diversion. 

If extreme violence did not work armies would be issued paper, pens, pencils, pamphlets and megaphones instead of guns. Propaganda would rule. Not happening. Think about this.  Who is American war propaganda for? It's not getting into China, or Russia. Its for domestic consumption. So who are the propagandists trying to con and why? Could it be to profit from a perpetual state of war using your money, sucker?

Secondly, there are no rules for violence.  No matter what anyone says, a so called "Marquis of Queensberry" approach is utter nonsense. It reduces the battle to something favoring the best equipped and with the most resources. Winning at any cost is all that counts. There are no consolation prizes when you lose.  To give you an example you should be able to grasp personally, if armed robbers break into your home to steal your possessions, and in the process kill members of your family, tell me what the consolation prize is by not fighting for your life and that of the members of your family, if you let the robbers get away with it and simply die?  What is the prize?  If you can find a prize in that scenario you are an idiot.  And don't whine and tell me its God's will.  Does your God wish the Catholic Church covers up its fine crop of perverts?.  If so, maybe you should ditch your God and get a better one or at least one that gets off its ass and cleans these clowns out.

Mexican cartels and the results in Afghanistan and Vietnam speak to the idea of winning at all costs using whatever means necessary. Exactly what the colonists did as well.
Vince Lombardi, the famous Green Bay Packers football coach once said that he never lost a game, he just "ran out of time" in a few. Simply throwing money and kill technology at issues as was the case in Afghanistan and Vietnam is absolute proof that unlimited resources cannot determine the outcome of a conflict against believers. You may kill some of them, but you don't defeat them, and nor should you. They never forget, and you must never forget what corrupt politicians and a lying, thieving military industry complex is doing with your tax dollars and your future.  You can't win against China with billions of Pentagon dollars

People that will not defend their homeland from external and internal corruption are worse than worthless, and those that will fight must be willing to win at any cost, with the distinct possibility that winning may result in complete destruction of both sides as one potential outcome. Flooding any country with illegal alien quitters and cowards is like stacking a sports team with the worst players you can find. Breathing, having a pulse and working cheap is not a skill.  Since all of us will die at some point anyhow, choosing an early exit and taking your enemy with you is a win. Think of it as Absolute Assured Destruction or "hold my hand to hell."

Nothing you read in the media about foreign policy designed to contain nations that do not act like or believe the way so called democracies behave, promotes a kinder gentler way. The policies are designed to create fear and those that disagree are threatened with extreme violence, economic destruction, and policies designed to destroy and undermine the nation.

The colonists intended that those that would destroy your nation from within must face the same fear that your nation tries to impose on everyone else.  It is your obligation as human beings to keep that power for yourself unchecked. Only those that are trying to destroy you would deny you that right. Lock down mandates, the destruction of borders, media organizations that are nothing but institutionalized liars and propagandists, are direct attacks on your liberty. Australia is only one of many examples of a failed state in which dictators operating under a false pretense threaten and control the people. Australians are simply bowing down and taking orders.

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.... The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun." - Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778

This article gives you a chance to think things through from your own perspective and consider what you would do to beat someone who declares themselves to be your enemy, like the United States does with China and Russia, and anyone else their lie machines target. If you think for yourself, the future can become much clearer, as the first publication date of this article indicates.  What you are seeing now in the media is perfecting lying and propaganda as an art form.  Truth is out the window.

If you are attacked by an enemy and they run out of bullets after wounding you, if you had the strength and the will to live, would you not kill them with anything in your possession if you could? A rock, a shovel, a stick, a nail?  The colonists allied with anyone they could to beat the British using whatever guerrilla warfare they could in the process.

WINNING IS THE ONLY THING and there is no prize for how much your weapons cost. If there is a chance of losing a complete scorched earth policy applies. If you have a dirty bomb and it completely destroys your enemy's ability to inhabit their own land, and in a last resort your own if failure is a given, its a scorched earth policy that is a win. Effective is the solution, not cost. As long as a corrupt military industrial complex can get away with wars that are fought out of site, we will be conned in and lied to forever.  The war needs to come home to galvanize the people against those that start these wars. 

An enemy does not have to be right or wrong, but simply someone that poses a threat to your existence.  The War of the North versus the South that tore the colonies apart was over the right to keep humans as slaves. At least half of the colonies were convinced they had the right to do so and were willing to die to support that belief, which both sides did in great numbers. The so called God loving Puritans kept slaves, and the colonists killed Native Americans to steal their land under the idea of Manifest Destiny. Right seems to be in the eyes of the beholder, and the beholders appear to be capable of justifying anything.

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The constant noise in the media about China is designed to prepare American citizens for a war and (here).  It has the opposite effect in China. American media noise actually benefits China because it allows China to expose America for the aggressors they are. It should be used in China to stoke fear and hatred for American imperialism designed to advance the interests of a few, and not all Americans.

A percentage of the American people, but not all since many have bought the lies, have the potential to make America a great nation, but many of its leaders and elites today are thugs, liars, and the same kind of scumbags that are willing to enslave the poor, unsuspecting and vulnerable throughout history, in the name of profit, power and ridiculous belief in their own importance. They are definitely not America, its average citizens are, and even then only if they understand the importance of maintaining the republic as it was established at the founding. 

If they make the mistake of buying into the nonsense being promoted by advocates of more government, corruption of voting, completely crooked and unaccountable intelligence agencies and a totally dangerous and destructive military industrial complex, they will become as hapless and worthless as citizens in other so called free states that cede control to bureaucrats and worthless politicians. The colonies became America only because enough patriotic colonists fought and died for America to exist. Fifty or sixty people that could be called founders had no chance to get free of British rule on their own without the direct involvement of hundreds of thousands of armed and committed colonists who believed the same way they did. What passes as leadership today cannot hold a candle to the people that led the colonies from exploitation by the British rulers and merchants to independence.  American leadership today has no idea what they are doing, as their analysis of China's behavior shows.

Today, America is being destroyed not by the majority of citizens but by a small group of corrupt politicians, corporations, its courts, and bloated bureaucrats all driven by greed and self-interest.

See: The Intentional Destabilization of America

The people responsible exist in small numbers and the only thing they have to defend their corruption is the people they have indentured by debt and lies. The war in Vietnam proved the lies of leaders don't last when the millions of Americans that fought or lost loved ones in Vietnam wake up. That is why there is such a frantic effort to propagandize and control the America people.  American citizens who understand what it took to create America in the first place and idea of fighting for their individual rights at all costs are dangerous to the hypocrites, liars and the corrupt in power today.  Ignoring the limits to human tolerance is a serious mistake.  The Taliban and the Vietnamese hiding underground are an example of what happens when people have everything taken from them or destroyed and have to build literally from the ground up.  Zero quarter should be given to their enemies when they rebound.

The problem for America, or any nation living on hypocrisy, lies and propaganda, is that their own history is completely discoverable. The best enemy is a corrupt one, because no matter what you can use their corruption against them.  A good example is the Cuomo brothers. Andrew Cuomo was an arrogant, lying bully and philanderer.  His brother Chris surfed the wave of his brother's popularity, until Andrew Cuomo was outed as an abuser and his Covid policies that killed thousands were exposed.  Now Chris Cuomo is gone too.  You could not ask for better enemies than these guys. They even took their cheerleaders in the media down with them, making everyone look bad and reinforcing citizens' distrust in the media which is well founded and should continue. There should be zero trust without verification.  The emperor's new clothes story is a classic example of the delusion of the rich and powerful.

Remember, 90 percent of the world is poor and needs stuff.  They need opportunity to work and get it with their own effort, imagination and work, not dictators insisting there is only one way. In order for a nation to succeed it needs motivated people who believe in their future, have legitimate opportunities to advance, who are helped by others they can delegate tasks to that do the job expected of them.  They should value hard work and education, and believe they have a shared responsibility to help others advance in the same way they can. 

America is trying to lead the world using bullying, threats, pushing a form of capitalism that benefits very few and ultimately subjugates its citizens in inequality poverty. They are flooding the country with illegal immigrants so that businesses can profit with cheap labor and the Democrats can get reelected. (These people are simply slaves. They are slaves to their own cowardice and their indenture to a system that will pay them as little as possible while screwing those that are truly entitled to more.  And all they have to do is vote for their slaveholders who will undermine the very nation they hope would be better than their own.)  And the proponents of this system are undermining the role of parents, faith, the family, and respect for order.  China has many years before they come to that crossroads of stupidity, while in the meantime China can provide most of the world in need of everything with the resources to get it.

America is simply a market at the present time, declining in importance as the world catches up. The sheer numbers of people not living in the United States and so called developed countries favor those that can find the needs of the majority living elsewhere and fill these needs equitably.  Saying China hollowed out America's industrial base, economy and working class after it joined the World Trade Organization is nonsense. It is so easy to see you do not need anything more than a 2 second think to figure it out.  American businesses that need a larger audience to sell their products to moved their operations to China, ON China's terms, to make a buck and they do what they have to do to escape the nonsense America's foreign wonks use to try and fence in China. 

Simply put, America's business whores have traded America's manufacturing base for the cheap labor and higher profits that can be found short term by outsourcing in China. 
Greed and profit are to blame and nothing else.  American businesses should be forced to support American workers, make sure the education system encourages American citizens growth in skills and entrepreneurship instead of letting morons protected by unions screw them up in the school system.

China has the current advantage of making all of the things the world needs. The tiny number of people in America that think they can dumb down the population to turn them into economic slaves watching stupid ass TV shows, and bomb and manipulate their way to control the world are delusional. In addition, allowing the widespread ideas of a minority to make ridiculous claims that there are multiple genders and that gender can be self proclaimed at will does not make a nation stronger, and for those people smart enough to recognize the nonsense, it simply undermines the legitimacy and authority of those encouraging it and sows division.

Ask 100 undertakers (morticians) how many times out of all the bodies that came to them, if they saw bodies that were not male or female, but some kind of naturally born trans-gender being.  My bet is that if there were any, the number will be so low it does not rate statistically. Surgical alteration would have to be excepted so guys who have their nuts cut off don't count, and the same goes for women who might have them sewn on. Autopsies looking for wombs would be another way to look for these unique transgender beings. The count will be completely accurate because the dead can't verbalize claims about what they wished their gender was and reduced to bare flesh their corpses simply reveal it.

As long as American public figures continue down the path they are on America will cede its leadership in the world to China, which suffers from no such ideas.  America has reached the point where its only hope of maintaining control is by killing and threatening everything that gets in its way. Covid however has elegantly exposed the clue to defeat the great American delusion and war hustle. 

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse." - John Stuart Mill

Keeping Score - Education by the Numbers

There are 7.870 billion people in the world.  China has 1.444 billion people or 18% of the world's population, while the US has 330 million people or 4.2% of the world's population. The numbers favor China, especially if you consider how many people can be applied to any task.  In addition, if you look at the educational statistics, you will see Asians are ahead of American children in terms of math and science scores, critical tools required for any long term battle.  Another factor critical in advancement is learning discipline. My kids all went to private schools because these schools got better results. Insurance actuaries I worked with said the data showed the best schools in the nation for educating kids were run by nuns. Schools run by nuns had a graduation rate in the high 90 percentile and almost non existent dropout rates. Most of the kids in their schools graduated and went on to get higher education in colleges and universities. Schools run by nuns were about no nonsense learning, strict discipline, adherence to math, science, chemistry and English and no ridiculous ideas about men having wombs, periods or babies.

Unionized public schools in America are a failure.  The teachers and the unions that mangle the public system today are not about educating children first but about taking care of union members' self interests. China won't put up with that crap, and my bet is you would not either if you were in charge.  Discipline, focus and and creating an urgent need to learn in children starting at a young age is the winning formula in education, not the garbage public schools serve up. The data proves it. Self interested arrogant bureaucrats are destroying America's future.
China wins

Keeping Score - Intellectual Property Leverage

The majority of the people worldwide do not live in America. 96% live somewhere else, and most of them are in need of something.  America does not own or control these markets and has lost much of its manufacturing base.  As a marketer and manufacturer China has proven their ability to manufacture and supply nearly everything consuming countries require in terms of goods.  So lets talk about technology, inventions, patents and so on. Imagine you are responsible for taking care of one and a half billion people and your enemy has a head start and is using a system to patent and protect inventions that you might need to help your people. You have two choices.  Either agree to pay fees to your enemy who can hold you up for ransom, and gain an economic upper hand, or do what you have to do to reverse engineer, steal or simply lie and manipulate your way around things until you come up with you own solution you pay nothing for.  What's better? Losing an advantage, or being forced to think of a better way? Remember, the colonists created America not by playing by Britain's rules with their hankies and hair dust, but by doing whatever it took to win. When you succeed, you win. If China is smart, that is what they will do.

The same thing goes for going green.  The industrialized nations have profited handsomely from oil, gas and coal.  Poorer nations are supposed to toe the line and pay developed nations for the technology to save the earth.  Of course, since they have no money they will become indebted to the nations that preceded them and benefited from the use of oil, gas and coal.  I would use the cheapest sources available to build my nation and absolutely under no circumstances be pressured to do otherwise  ("Sobering perspective on ‘net zero by 2050’ from Vaclav Smil"). The guys that broke it should fix it or pay the difference between what I can do it for using oil, gas and coal.  Remember, the real war in the world is the same as it always has been, the rich exploiting the poor and vulnerable. The mission is simple, the have nots outnumber the haves by millions to one.  They are the customer, not dumb asses herded into cities for jobs who can preen in the mirror, smug in their own intelligence, and whose principal export is arrogance and willful blindness.  There is a joke about have nots that explains it.  Two shoe salesmen go to Africa.  The first calls his boss and says "Boss, bring me home, nobody wears shoes."  The second salesman calls his is boss and says "Boss, send a million pairs, nobody has any."  That's the sum of it.

China can build anything America does, and for less money.  I worked with an engineer on a project making DVDs.  The original line was German, but we were invited to inspect a Chinese plant with their version of the same equipment in an operating environment. The engineer I worked with was German, and he observed the Chinese had knocked off the German version, improved on it, and it was in constant production. In another environment I inspected a line making precision seat mounts for high speed trains.  The fabrication foreman told me the original much older machines, had less functions and were not as fast but held their tolerances better. Everything can be improved upon, over time.

The recent disclosures about Unidentified Flying Objects or Unidentified
Aerial Phenomenon as they are now called and the aerial properties they exhibit makes it absolutely clear we are not the most intelligent beings in the universe. A lot of imagination, ideas, determination and sharp minds are needed to think through how the UAP technology works and actually build it. No nation owns ingenuity and invention, and China has a long history of great invention on its own.

It makes sense to bet on billions of sharp and willing minds that are hungry to get ahead over millions with just interests.  I had a number of Chinese engineers working for me who were highly intelligent, hard working and to my surprise at the time, liked China. I now understand why.  It is also important to note technical proficiency does not lead to invention although it can, but creative thinking - ideas - do.  Outside the box ways of looking at things are responsible for driving the engineering needed to build them.  Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jack Ma, none of whom are engineers, are examples of that.

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Keeping Score - Work and Opportunity

China has modified capitalism to let billions of people participate in their version of capitalism.  If you were running the show, what would you do?  Let a bunch of capitalist exploiters screw your citizens with lousy pay that cannot support a family and home ownership, until they have nothing left to give, let idiots and know nothings tell people they are racist and evil, that teachers should decide what their kids learn, the same ignorant and worthless fools who get gay lap dances in front of children they are responsible for setting an example for. Or do you encourage a system in which millions of your citizens learn how to market, sell, and develop on their own so that instead of a few rich citizens controlling everything, there are millions or hundreds of millions of entrepreneurial types in the nation driving growth? 

Back to UFOs for a minute; any scientist with an ounce of knowledge will tell you the number of planets, stars, or celestial bodies are in the billions, perhaps trillions. How many are habitable?  That question cannot be answered by people who cannot figure out how to get there, and certainly not by the people that do not know how UAP technology works.  But that is not the question.  Its this -  the same clowns that create perpetual war, arrange for the election of absolute old and malleable morons like Biden want to set up rules the rest of the world is supposed to obey in terms of exploring, building, occupying and owning space.  How about simply fucking off.  I don't care where you are from, that alone is one more reason why you can never capitulate to these clowns if you have any sense of individuality or entrepreneurship.

Back to American capitalism, what does America do?  They allow companies to create ways for people to get mired in debt, provide no safety net, and let public transportation and infrastructure fall apart and flood the country with immigrants to compete with Americans they screwed up. A formula for disaster driven by greed, stupidity and division.

China is spending billions on infrastructure including on subways and mass transit, which changes the economic dynamic for the average person.  If your people do not have to struggle to go places, don't have to worry about the cost of getting sick, and you control the liars and thieves that sell them products that kill them and create ruinous growth in health care costs, your people win and so does the nation. The United States will not do that. This media source writes about the problem constantly.

China's economic growth proves their approach works, and even more importantly, the citizens of China believe it. The people of China rank their system of government higher than so called democracies, by a large margin. In fact the Chinese people rank their country ahead of many others in key areas.
(I had to update this link. Not sure if it was removed because of the uncomfortable facts that do not meet the narrative the West wants you to see but my backup in the link tells the real story.)

Americans who are mislead into believing the propagandized baloney fed constantly by the American media will face a shock of epic proportions when they confront people who have a completely different point of view they strongly believe in.  I personally do not believe in the religious views of the Taliban, but you don't have to have much intelligence to figure out that their willingness to fight and die for these
beliefs is far more fearsome than somebody who joined the army to get a job and benefits.  Vietnam showed the same thing.

Sophisticated weapons that can kill at a distance are the only thing preventing belief meeting just interests in face to face battles. History proves that repeatedly. A salary is not a stake in any game. Sending missiles in by long distance at the cost of a nation's social safety net and denial of universal health care for everyone is not a sign of fighting ability.  Take away the weapons, arm up with knives and go one on one in someone else's homeland you don't belong in and see how you do.  Armed Americans teach that lesson to thugs trying to invade their homes on a regular basis, and when their homes are invaded they will kill them if need be. 

America's corrupt media, political community, the intelligence community and the military industrial complex is trying to work up a frenzy for a bullshit story, and no matter how hard they try, there are enough people that see through it to portend its failure.
All that is missing is the resolve for serious people to do something about it. I would say that of all the people left on earth that can step up and tell these corrupt clowns to fuck off it is armed Americans.  The rest, in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the spineless Europeans and wherever else the people dutifully take orders from lying politicians, bureaucrats and completely corrupt business leaders deserve what they get unfortunately.

It takes very little to expose the corrupt history of America's media, political community, the intelligence community and the military industrial complex. Failures like the Andrew Cuomo media whitewash, zero reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption, stupidity, and drug fueled idiocy serve to expose all of the ways whitewashing bullshit fails. The only tag line these liars have is simple and should be this:

"We are greedy, lying, ruthless exploiters who do not live among you stupid, uneducated common bunch, and we need to make every nation on earth and all the people in it subservient to our lies and bullshit so we can steal their land, resources, and money to benefit ourselves.  You will take the lowest salary we can pay you in desperation and the least benefits we can get away with because your options are diminishing and we will tell you you are heroes and show you off at football games and veterans parades like dressed hogs in ribbons, and you will like it.  You are Patriots that are deluded as a bag of rocks, now go forth and kill in the name of democracy you dumb asses."

Evergrande is a financial experiment in China that continued until it showed its limits.  Allowing any company to get so large and highly leveraged was a serious mistake, which China realizes and will not
likely allow again.  Companies like Google, and Facebook have zero value to a nation except to gather intelligence, which in the American model is used to manipulate and control its own citizens.  China should not make the mistake of letting any of these companies loose on the Chinese people, and Jack Ma is an example of what happens to an Amazon clone when it exerts outsize influence. It is similarly reining in the influence of influencers in the entertainment industry.  To figure out why you have to look no farther than late night television in America and celebrity promotion of political positions to get it. Think of it another way.  When you sit in front of a television you are watching other people earn a living while you do nothing about your own.  They call it entertainment, but if that is the case why not drop by any work site, buy some popcorn and sit and watch people build stuff, at least you might learn something more valuable than wavy hair, big kahunas, and a pretty face can throw at you.  Wonder where your freedom is going, look in the mirror.

China does have to learn however that in spite of the many issues with the American Republic caused by corrupt and inept leaders and greed, a certain number of America's citizens will rebel against lies and corruption, and at some point, be willing to put their lives on the line to get rid of its corrupt leaders.  At that point, America's corrupt leadership will have to behave like China and suppress dissent by force, killing American citizens if they dare. The colonists reserved the right to remake their Republic again by force if need be, from their young beginning. Only history will tell if they were right. 

In the meantime, billions of educated and driven people will beat 330,000,000 people who suffer the consequences that Biden and his group of clowns have unleashed on America, which is the culmination of years of political and economic leadership rot that is finally coming to the surface like toxic mold.  

Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Keeping Score - The Sea

If you were a farmer that had a neighbor that could block the road into your yard, preventing you from leaving and selling your produce, you would be in trouble.  Then if the the neighbor tried to extract a fee from you for everything you sell, pretty soon you would get tired of it. Don't talk about court, if he was a friend of the judges and had been greasing their palms for years you are in trouble. So you either buy the bastard out, and if he won't sell, then you have to do anything in your power to get rid of him. That's the situation with the South China Sea. The US is trying to create a choke point where China is landlocked to restrain their growth.  So what would you do?  If it were me, I would build weapons that can take out the ships and the submarines to prevent that blockade, no matter what.  What about you?  Remember, you don't have to like anything about it.  As Vince Lombardi once said winning is the only thing.  And right is merely a talking point, not fact.  Catholic Church leaders  have diddled and abused thousands of children, and the God of Righteousness has not locked the doors and set the Vatican on fire with everyone in it to burn them to a crisp.  As I said, right is a talking point buried under layers of bullshit.  Maintaining open sea lanes at all times is critical.

Keeping Score - War

This one is dead simple, and Covid shows just how simple it is. The United States has the largest military budget in the world. The budget is for weapons made the way cars are made. Make weapons disposable. Blow stuff and up you have to make more.  More means profit for somebody and in the US that mantra is golden. Simple enough. The US has created an entire industry of howling monkeys in military colleges, think tanks, and strategists whose entire job is to beat their chests and spread bullshit and hypothesis to promote military nonsense that costs the whole world trillions of dollars that could be better spent on citizens. The howlers seem to attract crowds of morons.  The military industrial complex is dangerous to life on earth, period and they have zero vision or imagination to capitalize on.  But when the clowns they help to put in power like Biden prove to be complete idiots, out of sync with the will of the people, then the military will pull out all of the stops to try and destroy America's elections and spark fear in patriotic American people.  These guys are completely dangerous and obviously can read the tea leaves.  Soon it will be time to confront them.

Now let's be on the other side of that BS.  Remember, we are trying to grow our nation of billions of people and market our good and services all over the world.  Do we really want to waste billions of dollars playing America's stupid war game designed to bankrupt us? It's a way of using the cost of war as a barrier to entry or participation - a war of attrition.  Who will run out of money first? On one hand we have to play to some degree as China recently declared but on the other hand, if we can win with more effective tools, better for us.  

If you are as old as I am you grew up with weed, and meth, MDA and LSD.  The kids with an aptitude could cook this stuff up in kitchen sink labs as it were.  It makes no sense to spend hard earned money on disposable weapons if we can permanently screw up our enemies on the cheap.  Biological weapons are the answer for a bunch of reasons, not the least of which are ease of delivery, mass destruction, ideas like racial targeting using genetic interference, and now with what Covid has taught the world, the assistance of home grown idiots.  The US military is well aware of this. 
US agencies funded Wuhan to do gain of function research on the virus and more importantly, have deep ties to the project which they are now trying to cover up.  As with everything underhanded the US is involved in, support for weaponizing biology has to be offshored to maintain the purity lie and avoid US laws, so these types of experiments are funded elsewhere to avoid complicity. Call it the clean hands, dirty feet game.

NIH knew Wuhan lab enhanced bat coronavirus years earlier than officials testified

Nuclear weapons and the entire delivery and defensive infrastructure are tremendously expensive, messy, easy to trace, and there is a chance they can be shot down or miss. If a nuclear device of any kind exploded in New York, the whole world would know in five minutes. And yet, a nuclear bomb designed to contaminate the atmosphere can be just as effective as one landing on a major city if the wind is right, and a hell of a lot easier to deliver. What is cheaper, complex guidance systems navigating defensive systems or wind vanes? Contamination is an objective.

Biological weapons are cheap, stealthy, hard to detect, and unlike conventional weapons, hard to pin down where they came from. Once they hit, while the debate is going on people are dying in droves and medical systems, like everything else, can be overwhelmed.  

Should a biological bomb be released, its spread, its detection, its origin, are subject to much debate. Look at how quickly and simply Covid spread and the damage that was inflicted worldwide, in part by the virus and in full by the political response to it.  Who is person one? Hello? Only one person getting off a plane, a train, a boat, can start what has become bio-Armageddon? What is the cost of a plane ticket, or a bus ticket from a local lab?  Can you find a cheaper delivery system?  What are you going  to use to catch it, the Star Wars Bus Traveler Early Detection System?  The Hypersonic Bug Blower Upper? With Biden in charge  all you have to do is send them to the Rio Grande holding a baby in dirty diapers, the dumb ass. I'll put that arrow in my quiver all day long.

The purpose of war should be to inflict maximum damage on citizens, turning them into allies against their own government, since stupid and corrupt governments represent a larger threat to stability than any external enemy can be. When it becomes obvious to citizens that their government is run by fools that destroy everything they live for, and allow politics, corrupt businesses and a dangerous military industrial complex to destroy their future, the citizens alone have to decide to get rid of them.
The United States, Europe, and Australia are examples of states well advanced in perfecting a self destructing boomerang.  Look at the border crisis, men have wombs, the politicization of Covid and lock down stupidity, the overreach of the LBGTQ movement, the explosion of provable lies and propaganda, and raising the profiles of fools and idiots like Cuomo on social media and mainstream news outlets like CNN and you will get it.

Then think of morons like Cuomo putting people with Covid into old folks homes and having fools like CNN brag about Cuomo's brilliance. When it comes to causing citizens to lose faith in government and our institutions and be unwilling to cooperate with anything, CNN should be called the Chinese News Network. Think people don't see it? Think again.

Traditional wars are an expensive game for any nation to fund, and a question of who will run out of money first.  Apple defeated Research in Motion/BlackBerry with outside the box thinking. Their model made more sense and the public abandoned BlackBerry in droves.  RIM's founders' hubris and lack of vision did them in. 

There is an assumption that propaganda works forever. However, if a faith healer says he will save your sick child, takes your money and your faith, and then proves to be a liar and your child and your money are gone, the magic disappears.  The Vietnam war was a case of BS baffling brains until it didn't.  Soldiers on the front line saw the Vietnam war for what it really was and started fragging their superior officers with fragmentary bombs in protest. You can only skate so far on BS before you hit gravel.  The military perfects the BS, they just can't get rid of the gravel.

America's corrupt politicians, the military industrial complex, and stupid, belligerent and over paid bureaucrats are a cancer eating the guts out of America. When backed by complete and utter morons in news sources like CNN bleating constant lies and bullshit, it is only a matter of time until America poisons its entire body, without any help required from outside influence.  Many of its governors have locked everybody down and screwed the economy, putting millions out of work and let an already screwed up education system spread the malaise even further.  The nation is so divided by lies and bullshit, it will never go back.  The divide is as great today as it was when the North fought the South.  I read constantly and I can see nothing that gives me hope that the sides will or even should come together. Greed, hubris and self entitlement, aided by personal debt and zero room to maneuver, with the country being flooded by losers who will not defend their homelands, just to benefit corporations and a political party to get votes, is reason enough for an uprising and absolutely grounds to never capitulate.  Moreover, the people that call themselves liberal and catcall the majority of people with less education and who work hard for the money they get, without protection from predative capitalism, are reason enough to take a hard position against reconciliation.

Covid, as a biological event, and the inept and corrupt response to it has done more damage to the cohesiveness of so called free countries than anything else. You have constant news of the lengths bullying politicians have gone to to show their power and enforce mandates, lock downs and essentially bully the people into compliance.  The news is so corrupt the whores keep tripping all over themselves with lies and manipulation that are easy to spot. Moreover, it is becoming clearer by the day that every measure to control the spread of Covid is failing, including in the countries that are the most heavily vaccinated, and the rules regulating potential harm from vaccines have been thrown out the window. Of course the public knowing or understanding this information does not help those trying to control them, so public narrative has to be maintained. That becomes extremely difficult when trust in the media is in constant decline and a huge number of people are intelligent and can read and research on their own. 

Being in a majority means absolutely nothing.  In fact if you follow the majority, you are already on the losing side and are sealing your own fate.  The War of Independence was not launched by a majority of colonists, but by a minority of dedicated free thinkers and independent people who understood what was at stake. Samuel Adams captured that sentiment the best:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

It did occur to me that one point of US political behavior regarding Covid is to see if the government can get the population under control with manipulation and propaganda, for whatever reason. China has no problem with control, they just do it, which is a benefit of their system in one respect.

“No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight a battle simply out of pique.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Why have conventions banning biological warfare? That should be easy to figure out. Biological warfare works, research can be done in an area the size of a Burger King, or multiple Burger Kings spread out, or underground, its cheap, the mass extinction weapon can fit in a test tube, you don't have to let the super spreader carriers know they are infected, and it destroys the barrier to entry model for war countries like the US enjoy.  I would be all in on biological weapons if I were China or anyone else threatened by the USA and NATO countries, and I would dig out and eliminate every possible spy and whistle blower in my midst to keep the program under wraps for as long as possible.  Its delivery system is as simple as tourist travel.  

See: Bill Gates warns world leaders to use ‘germ games’ to prepare for bioterrorist attacks

See: Israel kicks off ‘Covid war games’

If enough citizens bite the dust in any war their leaders are responsible for starting, citizens should be pissed enough to rise up and kill the stupid ass leaders responsible for starting the war in the first place.  Bombs the public never sees and massive death and destruction that happen to someone else far away makes it much easier to mislead the public into accepting what is going on. Millions dying at home does not and biological warfare is the ultimate game changer for perpetual war. The boomerang effect of an action killing millions in the nations responsible for starting wars in the same way these nations inflict damage on the citizens in the nations they attack gets the point across real quick. Until the public figures that out and rises up, nothing happens.

In America at least, the people when angry enough have the guns and military training to rise up and overthrow those that use war as a tool of foreign policy under the false claim of their nation's interests.  Right now the public is kept from that debate which would not happen if millions of their family members are killed in conflicts their own leaders are responsible for.  Vietnam was a classic example of a war America initiated, promoted, lied about, and finally was held to account for by the people. Doomsday conflict at home will be even more effective in getting the point across and the cheapest doomsday scenarios are all biological and perfect simply because citizens cannot escape the outcome. At the present time corrupt leaders hide in gated communities, not unlike kings hiding in castles behind moats, guarded by salaried lackeys who are as bullying as the king because they can get away with it.  If you are on any kind of assistance, look at how arrogant case workers are to see my point.  Government workers in all employment situations serving the public are the same. 

America's corrupt, greedy and self deluded leaders and so called elite have made a critical mistake in viewing the American people as the enemy, which they constantly do in the media.  Perhaps it stems from their guilt for robbing citizens blind for hundreds of years and lying to them perpetually. Both sides of the aisle are equally as guilty of that behavior today.  Or perhaps it as Jefferson said:

"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves ; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power." - Letters of Thomas Jefferson

As long as China avoids the obvious mistakes
corrupt, greedy and self deluded leaders make elsewhere, and continue to legitimately improve the conditions the Chinese people benefit from, as well as the citizens of countries in the Belt and Road Initiative who they fill the needs of, China will win. China has the advantage of starting with people in great need everywhere in its vision of the future, is challenged to improve their lives, and has a track record at home of lifting billions out of poverty. China's clamping down on super rich exploiters is a dream no free country is willing to undertake, it needs the exploiters and their lobbyists to get elected. Call it "a line their own pockets and protect it at all cost" mentality. Good luck with that.

It does not matter if Covid was an accident, a failed experiment, or pure bad luck, Covid is a demonstrable win for biological warfare.  We now know when significant biological events if aided by idiots like Cuomo, CNN, corrupt politics, and unduly influenced public institutions maintaining the narrative rather than the truth are involved they will effectively undermine the entire nation, pointing to a phenomenally low cost winning formula that inflicts trillions of dollars in financial and emotional damage on an enemy. As I said, I would make sure that the only absolute in future wars is Absolute Death, so there is no talk of partial victory.  Now fight.

"Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price" ~ Sun Tzu

The other lesson no one seems to be learning is the fact that Covid is not as described and mRNA vaccines may not be as safe as represented. Say what you want, the blanket indemnity given to the drug companies involved, all proven criminals and liars, (here), (here), (here), and (here) raises more questions than it answers.  It just shows not one person in government has the public's back. The vaccines have the potential without thorough long term testing to harm millions of people and the drug companies are only to happy to cover that up to make a buck.  When public harm finally begins to surface and it will, and the complete and utter whitewash that Covid can be beaten like measles or polio is exposed, the reason to vaccinate everything that moves may be enough to completely undermine whatever little trust government and its enablers may have had.  That problem is the greatest in so called free countries which spend in ordinate amounts of media trying to propagandize people to believe them.

I have spent years ferreting out government lies and propaganda at all levels, and I now treat everything as a lie and look for shreds of truth if there are any. In business its as simple as trust nothing, inspect everything, or simply inspect what you expect.  Trust is destroyed in so called free countries, as it should be.

the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  China Wins