Covid Fraud - Our So Not So Conspiratorial Theory

March 08, 2022
With as much as governments can get away with it, information is hidden, withheld, or altered.  It is difficult in this situation to avoid conspiratorial speculation, but indulge us for a minute.

First - COVID is Real and The Historical Use of Vaccines Has Worked BUT

Covid is real, and in certain people, mainly the oldest among us, with comorbidities, it may speed up dying.  Does Covid itself kill you, or is it the straw that breaks the camel's back?  Supposedly Covid can affect others of a younger age who suffer from comorbidities, auto immune disorders and so on.  It spreads as an aerosol and when in your nose and throat it develops and spreads into your lungs and on from there.  Hardly a scientific explanation, but there is so much written, scientific and lay analysis, you can figure it out.

We have had all the childhood vaccines. They work. I only knew one person in my life that had polio, and although I got the shots, I still had measles, mumps, but no chicken pox, and no diphtheria. So vaccines work and we gave them to our kids. 
But the entire narrative around these Covid vaccines stinks.  We now know governments around the world used various behavior modification tools using citizen data to inflate the danger and raise fear about Covid to increase acceptance of lock downs, isolation, closing businesses, and vaccine passports.  It is a direct assault on citizens.  Those sites are relinked at the bottom of this page and all have been duplicated and the documents parked to prevent their disappearance.  QUESTION:  What happens to you as a family in the American medical system if you and your children suffer permanent and in many cases what could prove to be debilitating medical injuries and illnesses because of the vaccines?  HOW WILL YOU PAY FOR THE COST OF THAT AND WHICH POCKET WILL IT COME FROM? WHAT ABOUT IN COUNTRIES WITH RATIONED HEALTH CARE.  WHAT IF GOVERNMENTS EVERYWHERE DENY THE ILLNESSES WERE THE AFTER EFFECT OF VACCINATION THEY THEMSELVES FOISTED ON YOU AND REFUSE TO ADMIT THEY CAUSED? HOW MANY OF YOU READ AND FULLY UNDERSTOOD THE WAIVER YOU SIGNED TO GET THE VACCINE?  HOW MANY OF YOU READ AND FULLY UNDERSTOOD WHAT IT MEANS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE USE OF A CHEMICAL AGENT THAT HAS NOT BEEN FULLY TESTED TO ESTABLISHED STANDARDS FOR THESE PRODUCTS  AND FELT PRESSURED TO SIGN VACCINE LIABILITY WAIVERS? DID ANYONE OBTAIN OR WAS IT SUGGESTED YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO ADVICE OF INDEPENDENT COUNSEL AND INDEPENDENT MEDICAL OPINIONS OR WERE YOU SIMPLY RUSHED TO SIGN UNDER THE THREAT OF DYING FROM A DISEASE AND RELIED SOLELY ON THE ADVICE OF GOVERNMENT AND THE NEWS MEDIA?

The Numbers (United States only)

These are back of a napkin calculations so that anyone who wants to perform data magic on them can knock themselves out. According to Our World In Data in 2018, 2.85 million people died in the United States from a population of 326.69 million people. So pre Covid,  less than 1% (0.87%) of the population died of all causes.  In 2021 the same site reports 3.01 million people died out of a population of 332.47 million people, or again less than 1% (0.91%)
of the population died of all causes, but this time Covid deaths are included.

When you look up the causes of mortality in this site, with only the most recent year reported, the fifty leading causes of death killed 2.06 million people, of which
1.48 million were over the age of 65. Old age and simply saying I have had it was not listed.  Have a grandparent who is old and has had enough, you get it.  Park them in an old folks home and never visit them, and I am outta here comes quicker.  No matter what, being old is the leading cause of death and being unhealthy with multiple comorbidities speeds the process up.  But the horrible numbers thrown at you by manipulators are only scary if you don't look.  If you are afraid of dying when you get much older, that is a separate matter.  Inevitability is the disease you have to wrestle with then. 

No matter how you look at it, the projected threat of dying from Covid was seriously overblown and the "Main Study Used by FDA to Approve Covid-19 Vaccine Found No Significant Effect on the Risk of Death." Essentially 99% of the people lived before the so called pandemic and 99% lived after the pandemic. There was no vaccine in 2018, so the minuscule fraction that vaccines may have affected in 2019 and 2020 certainly was not worth the destruction of world economies, although not one government employee, not one teacher, not one doctor or health care worker, and not one of the super rich were affected financially in any way, other than alligator tears.  They all got paid.  If 99% of the people were never in any danger of dying in the first place there has to be a lot more to the story. While it may be true that the interventions helped, it is now indisputable that vaccines did not prevent the spread of Covid, being unvaccinated was not responsible for the spread of Covid, there is no accounting to speak of for the impact of natural immunity, not everyone got Covid, and some countries faired much better than others with or without vaccination, so it will be a long time before we really know the truth about it all.

One Serious Problem With the Handling of the Pandemic

"Never let a good crisis go to waste" - Winston Churchill

Nothing in the media about Covid was ever fully truthful. The numbers were inflated, the the risks of Covid were manipulated, the risks of the vaccines were hidden, skilled doctors were persecuted for trying off label solutions, their hospital privileges could be suspended, alternative treatments were banned, and the vaccines are supplied by criminally convicted drug companies who have a history of bribing doctors, politicians and lying to patients.  Read through our site and you will quickly spot it.  I won't relink it all here.  But the end game, from what we can see, is to use a free/fear model t
o get you to willingly disclose your personal data and movement data to people you cannot trust under any circumstances, and to get you to accept a fully monitored health pass to live normally. 

Sorry, but doing so is a trigger for civil war unless you are a completely stupid Austrian, German or Aussie. The articl
e in the link proves just how stupid and gullible the Germans still are. At least I now know why the Germans are good at making cuckoo clocks. They use them for brains.  They appear to have learned nothing from following Hitler.  Too harsh, too bad. 

Here is why.  Historically, If you get medical treatment or are hospitalized, your medical records are supposed to be completely private.  This information is to be strictly between you and your health care provider, and not disclosed to anyone.  However, you can unwittingly give up much of your privacy by volunteering it or simply trading it away without knowing what you are doing, by simply exchanging it for some so called free service, like Facebook accounts or Google searches, which you get for "FREE" because they give you such a wonderful benefit. Its all a lie.  Harvard Professor Shoshanna Zuboff explains it in this video

A health pass to prove to businesses that you want to buy something from them is one of the fear/free bargains you are supposed to accept.  Tell your pizza
guy you are not ever setting foot in his door again because he is acting like the gestapo.  Tell him you will order the pizza, and he can walk outside in the fresh air to your car with it, for free, without a walk out the door delivery charge, and then you will buy it.  Tell the clothing store to put all of their clothes outside on racks and you will look at them and if you like something, buy it.  No extra fees involved.  Do they want to do that? I doubt it. 

Alexa, Siri, the devices in your home from Google and Amazon, are all part of that trade off.  Same with the doorbells, thermostats you get, the convenient programs you have in your car, the list is endless.  Once that data is in the so called free services' hands, you must agree to allow them to do whatever they want with it in the user agreements you click "I Understand and Agree" to without thinking.  So you have given away everything they want to know about you for what?  Why it matters. Let me explain.

Our family was a major shareholder and part of the management that started a life insurance company.  Not an agency selling insurance for someone else, but the kind that puts up tens of millions of dollars to create an insurance fund and designs the policies that pay your family if you die. Basically you can sign a policy today, give an insurer a check, walk out the door and get shot (Chicago) beaten to death (Portland) and the insurer covers you or your beneficiary.  People who don't know anything about it say its the odds that allows insurers to do so, but no one starts a business that depends on odds unless its a casino, and all the odds favor them. Life insurers like ours use information to design policies.  Its called actuarial science and if the actuaries know enough about the people they want to target as customers they can substantially limit the risk of the policies they issue.  They get that information from your policy disclosures, permission to investigate your credit and limited medical history, job, employment history, home ownership, data they buy from companies that sell personal data and so on. 

Actuaries study demographic and behavior data classifying people by criteria such as age, sex, profession, education, the schools they attended, their religious affiliations, marital status, geographic areas lived in, illness history and that of immediate relatives among other things; today described as the social determinants of health.  Actuarial data provides a picture of peoples' lives with conclusions drawn from analysis of that data proving to be incredibly accurate. Analyzing and interpreting behavior data is not a speculative exercise in the insurance business, it is all about profit and loss. Getting it right is critical to making a profit.

Life insurance companies capitalize on this predictability to sell life insurance policies that cover things like the risk of dying or being disabled accidentally. Just as an example with plugged numbers, a 30 year old person could buy $1,000,000 in life coverage for around $1450 per year, which can be paid in installments. The client is insured on signing the policy application in many cases and the insurer has to set aside reserves or re insure you with a much larger term provider to cover the face amount of the policy plus pay the agent's commission. It would appear the insurer is taking a huge risk, but it is not. Insurance actuaries have studied behavior data extensively and their ability to predict risk based on that data makes policy issuance an investment, and not a roll of the dice. They use your premiums to make investments.

When people's habitual behavior data is documented it reveals not only who they are at that point in time but also what role the systems and structures such as our schools, our religions, our government and political systems, the design of our economies, and the way we are employed play in shaping our behavior and thinking.  That information reveals people are highly predictable not only because of their habits, but also because the structures they live in play a role in defining what they can actually do, somewhat like canals that direct the flow of water to a particular location. Your habitual behavior is also part of internally regulated, physiological processes, regardless of whether you control them or not, they simply carry you along without recognizing or understanding what is happening. Can you imagine if you had to think to prevent you from messing your pants your entire life, like a baby?  Oh geeze, I forgot to think and crapped my pants.  Best to automatically regulate that process.  That is until you get really old, then get Depends.

Using behavior data life insurance companies became the largest and most powerful financial institutions on earth, out earning banks. Their growth has been limited only by government regulation

Like learning not to mess your pants, your repeated behavior, is internalized and becomes you.  To understand how that works, think of a few people you know.  You can describe them pretty well.  What they wear, how they think, how they behave.  That perception of them is also internalized by you.  Now think of them again, completely changed from your perception, like what happens when you have not seen them for a long time, many years.  I am not talking about the graying hair, the weight changes, the skin wrinkles, but the personality and behavior items.  Those changes.  They are not the person you know in your mind and that change may be so different from what you habitually remember, you either have to relearn who they are, or they have to conform to the old them. Your comfort zone is the old habit.  Changing anything is stressful, as this linked table shows. Good change bad change - all stressors.

Insurance company actuaries, the statisticians that study historical habitual behavior data to predict longevity and disability for life insurance companies so they can make a profit, reveal the power of habitual behavior. Behavior data is a resource more powerful and valuable than oil.

Many People Say "So You Know What We Do, We Have Nothing To Hide"

Yes you do.  Now that you know how your personal data exposes who you are, which can be mapped and behavior outcomes predicted, lets look at how that information can be used to manipulate and control you.  Without making it complicated, just think about what is going on today.  Your relatives are so crazy you never want to talk politics to them, so you shut up.  Your neighbors are so crazy, if you don't wear a mask at one point you got yelled at.  Your school boards, many a bunch of lazy asses protected by unions who could care less about your children, use masking and Covid fear porn to completely screw up the schools for your children, bully them and threaten them. If you complain, the government threatens to identify you as a domestic terrorist, and politicians call you a deplorable if you vote for a populist like Trump, so you take down the yard sign.  If you complain about gays competing with your daughters in sports, you are attacked virtually everywhere, even though they publish gay guides suggesting acceptable behavior is to eat another person's shit, drink their pee, or have fists shoved up your anus, but you are anti-gay if you speak up, so you don't.  That is an example of how your environment is modified by knowing your data, in other words what messaging will work on large segments of the population, which is then used to modify their behavior and that of the people around them and you (your environment) creating a huge mechanism to push you in a certain direction. Propaganda at its finest.

A even better way to understand this applies if you have gone through boot camp in military service. Boot camp alters your entire surroundings and in a matter of months you develop a new set of habits and behaviors.  Change the environment, change the person.  The time frame is months, not years.  The game is maintained by constant lies.  Can you imagine if as part of your military training, you were told the truth, listening to Madeline Albright saying its OK to kill 500,000 innocent children and babies to carry out the military's objectives as part of your duty?  Do you think it would make a difference?  Think again.

Another example can be found by asking anyone who uses paid Facebook advertising to explain to you how it works.  You get to select from many hundreds of behavioral characteristics of your target audience and Facebook knows exactly where those people are and only shows that group your ads.  You aggregate that criteria into an ad campaign, run it and see how it works.  You can run multiple campaigns with different messaging to compare how they work.  Ads are targeted using your personal data, and depending on the messaging used an advertiser can determine what is the most effective messaging that causes a customer to buy what they are selling.
  Data used to influence behavior.

Now imagine having the benefit of being able to use the fear of dying and harm to your children messaging to manipulate you and other members of the public.  Then add in idiots who will believe anything and have them loose on the street yelling and threatening you. Get it?

Make sure there are no dissenting forces credible enough to challenge the narrative, and you have an Orwellian nightmare in progress.  Add in a corrupt news media who go along with the game and you the public are played like a fiddle.

When Edward Snowdon exposed the NSA's data collection practices, I knew exactly what they were doing.  The data the intelligence agencies gather is about behavior control and modification, and you are the target, and not for your benefit.

So, is the way Covid is handled a fraud?  It sure looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

Linked Documents

Government Use of Behavioral Strategies to Inflate Emotional Distress to Change Behavior
Behavioral Government - Using Behavioral Science to Manipulate Citizens
Mindspace: Influencing Behavior Through Public Policy
- The Technique
How Psychologists Manipulated us (got us to comply) with coronavirus restrictions