Our Position

March 02, 2022
LookThere are those that will be highly critical of our position on some things. You are entitled to do so.  Do the same amount of research and prove us wrong.  We would love to be corrected.  That would mean the nation is on the right path.

I grew up from the time I was little watching my father beat my mother up.  Many of you have as well.  That makes you really learn to hate bullies. 

I watched one of our children being mentally abused by their spouse for many years and the family destroyed by a husband who finally left.  We did not interfere, thinking things would get better, and they did not.  The damage was severe and the children now have no father.  Many of you suffer the same experience. That
makes you learn to really hate people that abuse their families.  On the main page of this site Madeline Albright says that killing 500,000 innocent children is worth it to reach some military objective.  If you can let people like that stand you are an enemy of all people everywhere.

I embraced religion, going so far as to live in a religious facility thinking if I really embraced god, god would show up and fix things. God never showed up.  If you want to fix things you have to do it yourself. 

At an early age I started selling expensive training programs. If people used them they were supposed to help them improve their lives and skills.  They were excellent programs and yet many people started out well and then stopped using them. I felt that I was cheating people by selling them something that may not work and they did not use. I studied behavior change organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Weight Watchers looking for clues. Their success ratio was not that great.  I read 800 self help, psychology, behavior change and other books, and could not see a simple plan.
Hoover Betting at Bowie
Then I thought of the Army. They could completely transform people in a short time to get them all shooting in the same direction. I wanted to know how they did it.  As it turned out, we had a relative who was highly successful with over 100 restaurants and two race tracks, one just outside the Beltway in Washington, DC, called Bowie Race Track. He told me J. Edgar Hoover, who he was friends with, asked him to buy the tracks to help him solve a problem. I asked our relative if he could get information from Hoover to help me figure out how the military was able to change people so quickly.

Hoover gave him a bunch of information I could use to duplicate the procedures they used.  Basically you don't ask for permission, change the surroundings recruits live in and the information they experience, build a new family around the recruits, and indoctrinate them with what the military wants them to know.  Not complicated. I had to adapt it to the environment and situation I was in, but it worked well.  When reporting back to my relative, he asked if we could patent it, which we could not, and so he got me to quit and work with him, which I did.

In the process of using and adopting this information, I discovered that the military and related organizations see the entire world as something to be dominated to benefit the United States. Except their view of who it benefits does not include you and I.  At least the Romans paid their soldiers a bounty.  When was the last time you got some cash, or loot from the government, rather than a tax bill to pay for these people?  Their objectives, not people matter. I learned the military and almost everything they do is corrupt.  They lie to the American people about everything, and their suppliers, which are the military industrial complex, will do anything to keep the war machine going.  They are an unholy alliance of essentially murderers.  Rather than throw in a few links, you need to research this site, and the articles in it and dig deeply from there, and pretty soon you will get the picture. You are worthless if you believe or disbelieve solely based on prejudices.  You have to get the information yourself.

Those discoveries amplified our dislike for bullies, liars, and abusers even further.  

You cannot brush away the behavior America's functionaries embrace by saying Putin, Xi or whoever is worse.  We are only concerned about the house we live in.  We are not going to go around the world looking for other people and their problems at home to interfere in the way they live.  If they will not take steps to clean up their own affairs, we can't do it for them.

The people we care about and respect live in America.  That is not a condemnation of others, but simply an admission that America is the jewel we must protect.  When people like Clinton call American citizens deplorable, it is simply a mirror of the behavior I grew up with and should never have to.

When we see people who would dare to undermine people who grew up in the nation so they can make a profit, our blood boils.  When we see the functionaries that have been corrupted by money and corrupt influence starting wars in the name of America, based on lies, to exact a political objective, when America has no business being there in the first place, we see a bully sneaking into a neighbor's yard to beat them up. 

When we see our government exploit the Covid virus to create control over people, lie to them and pay criminal organizations like Pfizer to make a vaccine without any testing and waive liability for any harm they do to us, and say our children need these vaccines when now or shortly will be shown to be lies, we see the worst form of abuse imaginable on an unsuspecting family. To us there is no level of violence or retaliation unacceptable for that behavior. You can think what you want.

Americas functionaries, the temporarily hired political and bureaucratic help, are simply, bullies, liars, support state murder and have no standing among decent human beings.  Are the other guys worse?  Frankly, that is not this nation's problem.  Our own house is the problem, and you can see the behavior of the bullies at the top spreading to the bullies at the bottom, in places like school boards, emboldened by what they see in Washington. 

For anyone growing up in a violent household, ask yourself how many times you became violent on your own years later.  That behavior was learned and it messes you up.  America is our house, not the bullies, and we have to clean it up.  God is not going to show up and do it for us, and in fact if we do nothing about it we are failing every lesson we have been taught.