The Original Small Town

Revised October 5, August 24, 2023
The colonists represented a down to earth group of people who laid the foundation for a town, state, nation.  What these independent minded people understood to be true was the fact that the right to life, liberty and property without interference from anyone else is not a gift or a privilege, but a fundamental, many say a god given right.

It started America off on its path to greatness.  But "Absolute Masters, Despots, and Tyrants" as Samuel Adams describes them, not just in America, but everywhere have destroyed America, and many other nations.  England then as now represented an arrogant group of greedy and self-indulgent pigs that thought the right to subject others to their greed and control was their right.  And the fools that carried out their mission for pay, were exactly that, fools and idiots for pay. Although not all those carrying out their mission for pay are easily bamboozled.

Smart, open minded and desperately inquisitive people for a long time have figured out the problem.  In the bible in Matthew 21:12-17 money changers got their asses kicked as they should.  And just in case you think this is a bible thump, it's not.  Women are not part of a man's ribs no matter what crap Church hustlers want to sell you, and there is no way women should get the short end of the stick and have to bear the time and cost of child rearing on their own while the stiff dicks get to take off and do it again.  That alone is a case for abortion, unless the point is that women and abandoned children should be struggling citizens forever. Forget the hallowed life BS, spread by frocked clowns who protect
choirboy diddlers from prosecution.  Or the bearded fucks in the middle east who say women have to be covered and can't get educated.  You can figure out Jesus "smarts" without the Churches as IBM businesses, by reading the Book of Smarts here. Throughout history there have always been highly enlightened people for whom the fog clears and who pave the way.  When they are gone or pushed out of the way, the money grubbers slither in to exploit the public and cash in on the brand. Disney is a prime example and churches are another.

The vision or dream of Walt Disney is being trashed by money changers and stupid relatives. A magical place turned into a shiny carnival where being preached to becomes part of the pain of admission. Disney's woke executives could fuck up a cheese sandwich. This video on excellence in the first 15 minutes details Walt Disney's vision, and today that lost vision shows how exploiters for a buck and clowns with a platform are wrecking the joint. The Book of Smarts explains vision, or the cosmic view of a Walt Disney if you like.  Its well worth the read if you are desperate for understanding.

The people in leadership positions in the US, and many other nations are simply pariahs. They are not Americans as the colonists set things up.  But by claiming the title and posing as Americans, even though they have relinquished that role while in service to the people, allows them to promote a bullshit story of patriotism so they can suck in people who need jobs or some kind of mission in life. American leadership is one big bullshit story and nothing can save it, nor should it.  They have to weaponize like crazy to create fear, but Russia and China, in the right circumstances will shut the lights out.  Think about it this way.  If your only choice is to be governed by the clowns that run the US and now NATO, and their ass kissing brown nosers for a buck, with your lives and those of your children being ruined and enslaved in the process, the idea that you get liberty or death makes a whole lot of sense. You just have to make sure you take everyone else with you.   

Any country that has any version of the so called do gooder posers from America or increasingly their lackeys from NATO in them are simply being infiltrated by enemy combatants, out of uniform. In or out of uniform, or hiding under some claim of diplomatic immunity should be no cover or protection at all.  When a thief or murderer comes into your home no matter how they are dressed or the lies they spin, they are or should be dead immediately. 

Creating a system of elected officials who represent the people was an idea intended to put skilled people in place to perform service solely for and on behalf of the people.  The colonists explained it this way:

"all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their *functionaries* executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved) or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and freedom of the press." - Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright. Monticello in Virginia. June 5. 24.

*The colonists described the servants of the people as "functionaries."

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who would pervert the Constitution” - Abraham Lincoln, February 27, 1860 Cooper Union, NY Speech

"Governors have no right to seek what they please; by this, instead of being content with the station assigned them, that of honorable servants of the society, they would soon become Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants." - Samuel Adams, Resolutions of Town of Boston, 1772 ("The Rights of the Colonists . . ."

"It seems to have been imagined by some that the returning to the mass of the people was degrading the magistrate. This he thought was contrary to republican principles. In free Governments the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors & sovereigns. For the former therefore to return among the latter was not to degrade but to promote them--and it would be imposing an unreasonable burden on them, to keep them always in a State of servitude, and not allow them to become again one of the Masters." - Benjamin Franklin (Remarks in Framing Convention, 1787 as summarized by Madison in his record, page 6)

Few of us live in that small town any more, and the elected officials, or dictators as the case may be, no longer act in any capacity for the people, and have become the "Absolute Masters, Despots, and Tyrants" Adams spoke of.  Like a plumber coming to your house to fix your pipes and then throwing you out so they can take over. They are destroying society as we know it to prevent their very overthrow.  Study how Skinner Boxes are designed to understand how that works. 

Thomas Jefferson put the solution simply in “The tree of liberty...”

“And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

Thomas Jefferson
had many other thoughts on the matter, observing the condition of fellow citizens and their response to their enslavement.

Samuel Adams summed it up with fewer words:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776

One only need to think about the war between the Northern versus the Southern states over slavery to understand the fellow countrymen problem.  The nation was divided, and there were those that believed in their right to own slaves.  No compromise can or should have been justified so war ensued and many died. You could not negotiate with those clowns then, and you can't now.  For the most part your fellow citizens appear not to be worth a lot. Just think about Southerners that defended slavery.  Not sure how many of them had to be killed off to straighten the slavery problem out, but lectures and wokeism did not work.

The world is now in a similar situation where a tiny group of people, falsely claiming the right to rule and exercise power over the masses are doing everything in their power to subjugate the people and fuck things up so bad you are overwhelmed with bullshit. Color is not the issue, power and greed are. This video explains how you and your children are being subtly attacked through the introduction of stressors into your lives that screw up your immune systems, your DNA and your future.

Think not?  Explain how giving this collection of deviants access to your underage children benefits your children.  It does not, especially without one warning about incurable AIDS these deviants spread. Nor are educators and Doctors telling your kids they don't have to listen to you, their family and protectors, intended to benefit you or your children.  Nor is flooding the country with illegal immigrants to drive revenues in a broken system of enterprise. The illegal immigrants do not have the guts or guidance to fix their own broken countries so they flee to places where the handouts are good and the public servants will destroy their own country to line their own pockets, protect their ill gotten pensions, or simply because they are small minded losers who will show "you" for not listening to them.  And they will take your innocent children and expose them to deviants to do what, teach you a lesson? The good news is the "Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants" are so arrogant and confident that they can destroy and control citizens, they do not even bother to protect the families of those that protect them. So the families and children of the protectors are being screwed over in the same numbers as everyone else.  Aids spreading deviants grooming children in schools, immigrants destroying communities, morons masking women, no problem, does not matter who your parents are and who they work for.  The
"Absolute Masters, Despots, and Tyrants" that are supposed to represent the people, as they have forever have no problem back shooting their own soldiers and destroying their families. In the Vietnam War, when the soldiers woke up to the lies the military was telling them in Vietnam, the word fragging hit the books. No wonder.

The idea that colored slaves were the only group ever being attacked is a nice cover, but now its simply citizens, any color, any party, any persuasion. You are being fed to the dogs too. The only way of dealing with those willing to keep slaves historically was obvious to the Northerners. What has happened to simple observation today?  I guess thinking independently is now a radical idea.

Do you think any person in power will give that up?  Do you think any bureaucrat with a falsely earned pension, and excessive pay will give that up?  Do you think any cop or soldier defending these thieves for a salary will give that up? Look at Dick Cheney for example.  Lined his pockets in Halliburton with your money, started forever wars that made him and his cronies billions, and he has a genetic defect called a daughter Liz carrying on the legacy. 

The reality of all these questions is no and the only solution is the complete and absolute removal of the
Absolute Masters, Despots, and Tyrants worldwide, with the exception of China and Russia. The colonists allied with native tribes and the French to defeat the British. There are no rules when your lives and those of your children are at stake. The enemies of your enemies are your friends.

For an idea what someone who understands the role of a leader looks like, look here.

For an understanding of so called democracies descending into despotism, the Britannica film in this link explains it: