The Stink Never Comes Off

March 15, 2022
One of the worst things about propaganda and lies are the smell they leave on you when you believe it.
Kill Children
The war in Iraq was a war based on lies.  American forces killed possibly as many as 650,000 people, with reports of 500,000 innocent children. Listen to Madeline Albright, the 64th United States Secretary of State say to 60 Minutes that killing 500,000 innocent children in a phony war the United States started based entirely on lies, is worth it. Those who served and participated in that murder were given medals and maybe free hot dogs at the baseball park so they could not easily stand up and say I am a murderer.  The have to justify it in their mind.

What do you say to your children? Do you tell them you killed x number of little kids just like them without knowing if you were right in what you were doing killing innocent people, or do you keep the lies and propaganda going to cover your failure to ask questions and doubt until you can be sure of the facts?

The Covid vaccines were produced by criminally convicted drug companies with minimal testing and absolutely none of the testing required for any other drugs.  The risks of Covid were vastly overstated and the now the real problems, deaths and damaging effects are coming out.  The good news is America is full of lawyers, who are like sharks after blood.  They will dig up the lies and identify the damages.  It will go on for years. But thats not the problem.  If you accepted what you were told, gave in to pressure to accept the vaccine, and your children are permanently damaged because of it, are you going to say so sorry my son or daughter.  I believed everything I was told without question and now you are permanently damaged because of my failure in a free society to question and doubt. In a nation with no healthcare for a huge number of people?

Lies and propaganda stick to you and the smell never comes off, no matter how you justify believing it.