What Democracy Exactly Are We Trying to Infect The World With?

IN PROGRESS  March 20, 2022

Whenever you listen to the liars and hustlers from the military industrial complex, and the functionaries, your appointed help, you are told they only have your interests at heart, to protect you and spread your wonderful democracy worldwide.  Lets pin down that democracy the functionaries are in the process of destroying to see just what they want to export to the rest of the world at the point of a gun, using bombs, economic destruction, murder, propaganda and by any other means of force possible, and you tell me who in their right fucking mind would want it.  And don't give me the saw that it is better than what they have now.  Perhaps if people are cattle, or you think them idiots.

We will provide links to rest of these points tomorrow. 

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.