The American Government is Waging War Against Its Citizens

Very few people understand how their behavior is controlled, manipulated and managed using their personal information and changes that are being made to their surroundings.  Rather than talk mumbo jumbo, it’s fairly simple to see how it works thanks to the US military.  Millions of people have been exposed to the method.

None of it requires your permission.  You do not act because of the way you think.  You think because of the way you act, or rather have been trained to react to your surroundings.  Study it.  When you were growing up, especially at a young age, you very quickly learned to conform to what your parents or parent said.  Think all you want, just do as you are told lol.  Then school happened. Same drill.  Except as you got older, you may have become a little more independent in your mind.  Then when you were old enough, if you went to a secondary school like a college and you had a lot of thoughts, but the courses you took, and the way they were taught and where they were taught were all designed by someone else.  You had to conform to the environment also set up by someone else.  Finally, if you wanted money, you took a job, again designed by someone else.  We can throw in a million other examples, how you were treated if you were poor, black, or any other skin color, looked different than the beautiful people in the ads, it goes on and on.  Your environment shapes you and you learn to react/respond and your thinking develops accordingly.  Some people manage to escape the cycle, but overall, living in a society involves reacting to it.  Like boot camp for the military.  If telling people, in other words simply getting them to read a book or watch a show worked, there would be no need for boot camp or schools.  Controlling and changing their surroundings changes the people in them.

That is why what we write is so critical.  The illusion that what you think matters to someone is wrong.  While you are busy living in the dream world of your mind, look what the government, large employers, politicians and others in a position to do so, are doing to the world you live in.  They are destroying this world for their own benefit.  Thinking alone, when everything around you is being destroyed by the hired help, will result in them ultimately changing the life you once had, and not for the better.  You must take action every day to fight back.  Worldwide, you are in the billions. The destroyers are in the hundreds of thousands, if that. 

Protesting, marching, writing letters, are placebos that fake you out and buys time for the destroyers.  Don’t give them any time.  During the midterms, you have to hammer them flat.  At school boards, protest loudly, vote them out, and most importantly of all, videotape everything.  Truth dies in darkness and their behavior cannot stand exposure.  Their comfort lies in hiding from who they are and how they behave.  Most importantly, never be afraid to challenge ignorance.  For things like men pretending to be women, it does not matter one iota what politicians say or the laws they pass.  Men are not women and if they claim otherwise let them show how they get pregnant and deliver babies.

The biggest barrier to unwinding and fixing what is broken is the delusion of “the law”.  Laws are portrayed as edicts from supremely intelligent beings to give them credibility and strength.  “It must be right; it is the law.” But laws are created by men and women, who can easily be tyrants, liars, deceivers, thieves, or arrogant beyond belief and suffering from delusions of their own grandeur, while those that enforce them are doing so out of their own personal incapacity. For example: “I am a policeman.  I have a mortgage, debt, a family and I need my job.  I will do what I am told and put up will all of the angry people until I get my pension.”  What is just and fair has absolutely nothing to do with it and doing their job for a little comfort without recognizing the consequences of their actions cannot be left to stand. The colonists that understood that idea threw out Britain and created America.   

The law in many cases is showing itself to be a tool of despots, the weaponization of bad ideas to control the people suppressed by these laws.  The time must come when such laws are thrown out by the same method they are put in, not by merely thinking about it, but by altering the corrupt environment created to pass them in the first place.  

Boot Camp Behavior Modification

You can be an honest, God fearing, kind person and in three months the military will overwrite years of upbringing and make you into an order following killer.  To understand that with even greater clarity, look at previous wars, which were simply premeditated murder foisted on an unsuspecting American public and their impact on millions of victims in the target countries.  How is it possible to manipulate hundreds of thousands of what were innocent recruits into becoming the actual murderers?  That is one heck of a process, and the only way to pull it off is to modify their behavior, kill their mind, and subject them to endless streams of propaganda and lies, and then when they see a hint of reality, let them take the antidepressant and opioid called “patriotism” to justify participation in a murder scheme.

The critical habits recruits held for much of their life are forcefully overwritten with new ones devoid of choice, aided by mental gyrations like “I need the job, my family members served, I am a patriot and so on.” Call it foolaid.

You are told what time to eat, sleep, wake up and what to do.  The regimentation and the constant control are purposely designed to overwrite and replace your old habits with new ones without you thinking about it.

Up until the point of replacement your habitual behavior was the sum total of who “you” are at that point in your life.  Erasing your habitual behavior and replacing it creates a new you.  You make look the same outwardly, but you are not inwardly.

The Stability of Habit

The force of habits in your life creates balance.  When things go along the same way every day it creates comfort.  You know what to expect and what to do.  The stability or equilibrium in your daily life is regulated by a physical and mental process, a physiological process called homeostasis.  A simple explanation of homeostasis can be found here.  The process extends to the family you live with, the friends you associate with.  You live in one big habit bubble and changing that habit bubble causes stress not only for you but those around you.  Travelling to a distant place can be liberating because it takes you out of that habit bubble.

The following table explains the stresses you are subject to when things change. Change is the trigger for stress. Reading through the table shows any changes good or bad, are stressful.

Escaping the Mind Trap

We are conditioned, trained, molded, brought up to conform.  The conformity is habit forming and our habits become us.  We behave according to our conformity, and we train, support, mold, bully, order, whatever style we use, to get those around us to conform to our quilt of habits, creating a group habit. 

A habit, when it becomes automatic, is no longer noticeable.  Remember how babies always peed and pooped in their clothes.  We have to train them not to.  Now imagine what would happen if that behavior could not be learned.  Imagine having to constantly think to keep from messing your pants.  Not sure how you would drive to work in traffic, or ride a crowded train.  Forgetting could be horrific.  Habits are a good thing, but if they are habits that do not serve us well, then we need to change them, and that involves activating stressors.  Stressors trigger a defensive mechanism that unchecked has serious health consequences. 

Why This Site Understands the Use of Data to Change Behavior

We are quite familiar with data being used to predict or modify behavior, which is explained in this site.  Our family invested a significant amount of money in and actively managed a life insurance company, which is all about using data to predict and invest in human behavior, and we trained life insurance agents and others for years using behavior modification tools and techniques.  A relative that owned more than 100 well known restaurants and two race tracks, one in Bowie Maryland J. Edgar Hoover frequented, who he was friends with, got us documents from Hoover that explained early techniques used by the military to modify human behavior.  They have advanced the art legions beyond where they were and have conscripted Google and Facebook into the fold.

From the insurance business we learned the habits we are programmed with are forces that predict life's outcomes.  Having access to insurance company actuaries, the statisticians that study historical habitual behavior data to predict longevity and disability for life insurance companies so they can make a profit, revealed the power of habitual behavior.

Actuaries study demographic and behavior data classifying people by criteria such as age, sex, profession, education, the schools they attended, their religious affiliations, marital status, geographic areas lived in, illness history and that of immediate relatives among other things; today described as the social determinants of health.  Actuarial data provides a picture of peoples' lives with conclusions drawn from analysis of that data proving to be incredibly accurate, illustrating the importance of having this information. Analyzing and interpreting behavior data is not a speculative exercise in the insurance business, it is all about profit and loss. Getting it right is critical to making a profit.

Life insurance companies capitalize on this predictability to sell life insurance policies that cover things like the risk of dying or being disabled accidentally. At the time, a 30-year-old person could buy $1,000,000 in life coverage for around $450 per year, which could be paid in installments. The client is insured on signing the policy application in many cases and the insurer must set aside reserves to cover the face amount of the policy plus pay the agent's commission. It would appear the insurer is taking a huge risk, but it is not. Insurance actuaries have studied behavior data extensively and their ability to predict risk based on that data makes policy issuance an investment and not a roll of the dice.

Using behavior data life insurance companies became the largest and most powerful financial institutions on earth, out earning banks. Their growth has been limited only by government regulation. Insurance companies could not have become the financial giants they are without peoples' historical behavior data. Behavior data is a resource more valuable than oil.

When people's habitual behavior is documented, it reveals not only who they are at that point in time but also what role the systems and structures such as our schools, our religions, our government and political systems, the design of our economies, and the way we are employed play in shaping our behavior and thinking.

That information reveals people are highly predictable not only because of their habits, but also because the structures they live in play a role in defining what they can actually do, somewhat like canals that direct the flow of water to a particular location. Your habitual behavior is part of "the flow" regardless of whether you control it or it is simply carrying you along without recognizing or understanding what is happening.

At the time the author was providing sales training to life insurance agents and wanted to improve the long-term success of new agents as well as clients for the training programs we used. Actuarial data made it clear people's habitual behavior affected how long they would live, the disabilities they may suffer, their general level of health and their financial status. We were frustrated with the fact that in spite of having excellent information, training and a salary from insurers in a highly supportive environment most new agents failed anyhow. Providing them with knowledge alone was not enough to ensure their success and we wanted to know why.

We studied organizations like Weight Watchers and Alcoholics Anonymous, both of which offered behavior change programs. Neither organization consistently produced behavior change for the majority of their customers. However, the military had perfected changing recruits' behavior in a matter of months into people who will kill others on command without question. In the same way McDonald's automated many of the processes involved in running fast food restaurants, the military automated behavior change.

The military's foreign policies and wars can be based on outright lies, as the war in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan all proved to be. The fabrication of the weapons of mass destruction lies in Iraq being a good example fully exposed, proving their approach is devoid of any ethics or morality. The behavior change they create in recruits and the killings, murders, rapes, and torture that occur under their watch testify to that fact. We wanted to know how they did it and why it worked.

The Veil is Opened

We were fortunate enough to gain insight into the understanding that behavior and thinking are completely malleable, which challenged the idea that the human condition was divinely or fatalistically inspired. Documents we were given outlined research indicating agency belief that this was the case, including some discussing objectives of the infamous MKUltra experiments.

Our work with insurance companies and access to actuaries studying habitual behavior, along with insight into military indoctrination led us to understand our vulnerability as infants necessitates a process in which over time we are made to and learn to act a particular way long before we learn to think. Those actions become habits and the habits become lives.

Once we are habitually bound, we are like coal cars full of ping pong balls being hauled down the tracks.  The rails and the constraints of the coal car walls determine who we are and where we are going, but the ping pong balls, which represent our minds, delusively believe they are controlling the process.

When we spoke about these concepts in our insurance agent training sessions, we asked the question "Do we act because of the way we think or do we think because of the way we act?" Most people were inclined to respond that we act because of the way we think. But the truth is people adapt their thinking to justify the way they habitually act, and their actions are indoctrinated into them long before they rationally could decide if in fact, they should be behaving the way they do.

Suffice it to say, the gatekeepers of the processes determining our actions pose a serious threat to our existence if we do not understand what is going on. Accepting low wages, watching them destroy any savings we have bailing out crooked bankers, miring us in debt, brainwashing us to want things because they can and encouraging us to spend whatever we have on credit cards charging interest loan sharks would die for, corrupting the institutions we rely on so we can never get on the right course, and injecting us with TV heroin so we sit in a stupor front of oooohhh, ahhhh, giant flat panel TV's and temporarily forget what is going on around us, are all part of that process.  All of these things can be changed and should be.

"It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for rebellion." - Aristotle in Politics (J. Sinclair translation, pg. 226, 1962) or for a slightly less intellectual observation:

"It's hard to remember our original intention to drain the swamp when we are up to our ass in alligators."

Years later Edward Snowden's disclosure that the NSA was collecting behavior data on everyone globally confirmed the realization the NSA, Google, Facebook, and all of America’s intelligence agencies are collecting the same data insurance companies used to determine behavioral outcomes on the general population, but in far greater volume and covering more areas of people's lives.

Since not everyone in the world is a terrorist, especially when you consider the fact that the NSA collects data on everyone, including members of governments who are allies, and the small number of states that can be defined as harboring or breeding terrorists, it was clear that the true purpose of these data collection program is about changing and controlling people's behavior in a direct threat to one's life and liberty of thought. They are using our habitual behavioral against us. With the massive processing capacity available today the intelligence agencies are in a position to design behavior control programs and propaganda having significant impact, and the cost of analyzing and processing this data to find behavioral patterns and processes is decreasing.

It was easy to find documentation proving surveillance is about controlling your behavior, for the purposes of the Empire. The military is producing detailed manuals describing how behavior data gathered from surveillance is to be used by the military and its contractors to modify and control citizen's behavior - yours, mine, and everyone else.  Consider them gifts from the military.  They include the following:

The 2007 US Department of the Army Field Manual No. 305.301, Psychological Operations Process Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

The STP 33-3711-OFS Officer Foundation Standards II Psychological Operations (37A) Officer's Manual, and

The FM 3-05.2 Foreign Internal Defense Manual.

The 2007 US Department of the Army Field Manual No. 3-05.301, Psychological Operations Process Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, on page 43 Chapter 2 Phase II: Target Audience Analysis describes the use of surveillance data for behavior change:

“Target audience analysis (TAA) formally begins upon receipt of the Psychological Operations objectives (POs), supporting Psychological Operations objectives (SPOs), and potential target audience list (PTAL). The Target Audience Analysis Model (TAAM) provides the framework by which PSYOP Soldiers identify and study TAs. Using the TAAM, PSYOP soldiers examine the motivations and consequences of behavior to determine how best to influence the TA. The end products of TAA are the PSYOP arguments used (the overall argument and approach to obtain the desired behavior from the TA) and recommended actions that the U.S. military and its allies can take to influence the behavior of selected foreign audiences.

TAA is the cornerstone of effective PSYOP. To change a group’s behavior, PSYOP Soldiers must understand why the TA behaves as it does. Conducting effective TAA is one of the most vital skills that a PSYOP Soldier can cultivate. PSYOP will be ineffectual or even detrimental to mission accomplishment without this critical analysis of the TA.”

These operational procedures have been vastly improved, with Google and Facebook and other tech firms feeding the entire system. 

My comments on the abbreviations used:

TAA = target audience analysis is the study of the behavior data of the target audience.  The NSA's surveillance operations provide the critical information needed to understand and design programs to change the behavior of target audiences.  Given the global reach of surveillance, one must assume everyone is a target.

TA = the target audience, which is you, I and everyone else. 

SPOs = the Supporting Psychological Operations objectives is simply military speak for changing our behavior to do their bidding. 

The quest for control of people's behavior is not a new objective for government and its agencies.  They have been working on the development of processes to understand and control behavior for at least 60 years.  In one of many examples, the Supreme Court case John Cary Sims et al. v. Central Intelligence Agency et al., in paragraph 2 reports the fact that the CIA sponsored extensive research "concerning chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior" since 1953.  That is 60 years before any agency could blame terrorism as the pretext for their conduct.

The 60-year quest for methods to control your behavior proves beyond any doubt the threat of terrorism is being deliberately overblown by people who have a lengthy history of lying and using pretexts or false information to hide their true objectives now that the military has systematic programs for mass behavior change.

Name one politician or military official you so totally trust you would subject the rest of your life and that of your children to have them direct your thoughts and your life.  That offensive idea has even greater consequence when you consider the fact that these people delegate responsibility for these operations to police forces that harbor members willing to murder citizens on the street and to military personnel who were deceived by lies from George Bush and his accomplices about weapons of mass destruction that never existed and as a result participated in actions that killed innocent women and children.  

The devastating changes the Biden administration is raining down on Americans are intended to produce the same type of results the environmental changes recruits are exposed to in boot camp do.  They lose control of their eating, sleeping, living, and thinking in a process they have zero control over. 

The Biden administration's version of boot camp is destroying the cost of driving, the price of food, allowing inflation to steal your wages, destroying savings and home ownership, destroying families by allowing men to pretend they are women, by allowing men to enter our daughters’ bathrooms, forcing women to compete with men, and starting wars with nations that only they call enemies, and handing over control to corporations that have no obligation to the Constitution or Bill of Rights. 

They are actively engaging in hybrid military conflict on American soil with the American people.  They are attacking the rights of citizens by filling the nation with illegal immigrants and giving them equal status to the American people, and destroying American earning power by allowing illegal immigrants to compete with the American people.  This is a murderous assault on all American citizens, and it must be attacked  on all fronts.