MANY Updates Feb 20, First Draft, January 19, 2022
The colonists got it right. This entire article points it out.
The elected and the appointed help, public servants and corrupt rich,
which the colonists identified as functionaries, are trying to destroy
it, aided by citizens who blindly ignore what is going on.
power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by
themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their functionaries* executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law,
in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved) or they may act
by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right
and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of
person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and freedom of the
press." - Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright. Monticello in Virginia. June 5. 24.
*functionaries: the hired help in any capacity political, civil,or legal; people you temporarily appoint to serve YOU
You are not receiving factual information about much
anymore, the majority of it is mistruths, half-truths,
outright lies and propaganda which as you can see, a significant number of people get. That is not a problem if you are willing
to THINK for
yourself and invest the time to research
the information you
use to make decisions. This site gives you a lot to read and research,
and counters the idea that people have no attention spans and
everything has to be in sound bites. If your future and that of
your children is not worth
anything, carry on as you are. Pay close attention to the quotes from
the founding documents. The colonists and the drafters they
approved laid out in the clearest of terms how the people, the citizens
were to keep the republic safe. Don't let anyone fool you about
that. You have to act of course.
If you work on figuring it out, the worst that can happen is you make some wrong choices, but you can look in the mirror
to see who misled you and
decide to correct your mistakes.
That is the basis of the scientific method. You do not have to be a
scientist to error correct, but you must be willing to work at it,
since your future and that of your family depends on it. The good news about mistruths,
half-truths, outright lies and propaganda is that with a little effort they are easy to
identify, challenge and over time when they are exposed they can badly damage
the deliverers. Moreover,
if any person or group is persistently shown to lie, misinform or
propagandize, instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt, you
treat everything they say as a lie, misinformation or propaganda and
ignore it. Unless they produce verifiable proof in the form
of documented evidence, which they will never do, just reject it out of hand and chalk it up to lies or misinformation. Forget the fairy tale of government
serving the people. The functionaries have over time and in secret turned it into your oppressor using whatever means they can (12 minute video) muster.
If the people and information you are exposed to are lying to you to
mislead and misdirect you for any purpose not in your interest or that
of your children's' future, you can chose to do nothing, in
which case your freedom and that of your children will be stolen. Your
second choice is to begin recovering your freedom, first by choosing not to live the lies,
(12 minute video explaining the idea) a process which has the power to destroy the lies.
And your third
choice is available to American citizens of any color thanks to the
colonists, the people in the hundreds of thousands that did the hard
work of making the colonies work every single day with the toil of their hands,
is to take advantage of the fact that the colonists made sure that every colonist then and in the future would be armed and
could defend and fight for their rights. Rights granted not by the
permission of the functionaries,
but by a belief in their right to think for
themselves and live free, granted by whatever belief they have in their
or biology.
"functionary" worldwide ends up acting as if they own the place, and
the people. Imagine a repairman coming into your house, telling you
what he/she is going to fix even if its the wrong thing, call you names
if you don't agree, calling you a racist, trans phobic, an
insurrectionist, and call the police who will be only too happy to beat
you up, handcuff or even shoot you if you are black. That is
where we are today.
It is a statement of fact that an unarmed and obedient
population is screwed. When someone tells you the opposite, all
you have to do is ask them what nation they built from the ground
up, like the colonists did in America, in spite of extreme hardship and
lives lost. Since they did not, what qualifies them to tear down
what they cannot do themselves? America was and is the predominant
nation in the world, in spite of many faults. Horrific management by
the functionaries is slowly destroying that advantage, and each
American has to do something about it. Being armed and
willing to defend
the nation to
protect your freedom is a price that
must be paid to maintain that freedom. Thomas Jefferson's
observation that all power is inherent in the people applies to anyone
anywhere, although the generations of "Americans" that followed after the
colonists set things up have largely fouled things up by not being
forever vigilant, and allowing themselves to be bombarded by constant
lies, manipulation and propaganda from those who would steal everything the nation has. The idea applies
universally to any nation. The laws and edicts the "functionaries" put
in place mean absolutely nothing in the scheme of things if they do not
serve the people. However tyrants will insist these laws are critical
and must be obeyed.
plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the
course of time they create for themselves a legal system that
authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." – Frederic Bastiat
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell, Author of 1984
rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is
the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” - George Orwell
By now,
especially with the despotic behavior on display by the politicians and
police in
Canada against the truckers for the entire world to see, it
should be clear just how important and how valuable the system the
colonists set up for America really
is, with the qualification that the American people have to use what
was built for them. It
becomes even more apparent when you see the politicians and hired help
in almost every nation on earth
oppressing their citizens. Many of the places outside the
were set up by the British,
and if there is one legacy of the hanky wavers and obedient British
serfs the entire world
can do without it is following orders, kissing the Queens butt,
whatever. Today the Brits put more energy in brawling over soccer than
they do in getting rid of the corrupt public servants like the
colonists did in the colonies.
The colonists figured it out and ran the monarchy off years
ago. Canada still has the Queen as the head of state. I
guess little phony boy Trudeau wants to bring the kids to Monarchy
Disneyland, ride in a
carriage with a Halloween crown on and pretend he is more than a
functionary. Trudeau invoking the Emergency Measures Act
shows just how poorly the structure of other countries is set up.
American citizens need to clean their own nation up before the functionaries completely screw
it up, which logically takes black and white Americans to lash their boats together
and get these despots. Part of the problem
globally is everyone is trained to get jobs and suck up to their
masters because they need the jobs to pay their debts. They can't seem to figure out how to make a living any
other way, nor get free of these clowns.
“There is no cholera, no yellow-fever, no small-pox more contagious than debt.” - Anthony Trollope, Framley Parsonage
The many statements quoted herein by the people documenting the
founding of America shows how much thought and effort was invested in
the plan for the future of this nation. Forget the fact that
some of the people that put
the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of
to paper may have held slaves, which was
unacceptable, nothing in these documents
the colonists agreed to, segregated black or white rights,
nor did any of these documents give the "functionaries" the
designation of
kings, dictators or despots. Moreover remember this, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were a collaborative effort of the colonies, not a few guys cooking
them up. They would not have been adopted if the
majority of the colonists disagreed, and there were many disagreements
in their drafting. However all of the documents make it absolutely clear who the "Masters" are in the
colonies, which are the people, and the
help are to live a tenuous existence if they try to suppress the
people. Read the
Declaration of Independence from beginning to end to see it. There is
also zero ambiguity in these documents as to what the citizens when
after much deliberation, are to do
with despots. They made sure Americans are the most armed
population on earth for
a reason, and it was not for quail hunting. They understood clearly
what despots do when they have the control of a standing army or have
bought off the police with salaries, debt, and the tendency to behave
cruelly when they think they can get away with it, with permission of the functionaries or if hidden from view. None of this happening is an accident.
Although the colonists made no separation by the
color of one's skin when leaving instructions for future generations to
clean things up, it is true that many Americans behaved badly towards
their black brothers and sisters in the past, but as a nation we are
all in deep trouble with the way the corrupt public servants and the
wealthy are now behaving, and a reset is needed. Not that it is
any comfort for many years of abuse, murder, lynchings and
death, but the Biden administration, the most recent hired help, is trying to screw over
everyone, black, white, yellow, you name it. They could
care less about the color of anyone's skin as long as everyone follows their orders. A point I have
made repeatedly
is that slavery is and always was about power, greed,
and money. Exploiting the vulnerable, the unprotected, the
unarmed, is the shortest path to get
The unfortunate thing during the days of cotton growing
was the fact that dark skinned people could work in the heat. Like I
said in another article, if Eskimos from the far north could pick
cotton like a machine,
they would have been the preferred slaves. If the slave traders could find people
that did not need food, water, shelter or treatment when they were sick, so
much the better. In manufacturing its called uptime. If the
founding documents do
not single out people of various colors to have no rights, then how
did things like Jim Crow come to pass? And what about the native
American Indians that were here first? They are not black, their skin was referred to being red and
they got slaughtered too. Why? It was for their land. How did
that happen? Basically the
greedy could care less about anything but filling their own pockets,
or, as the colonists have noted that among their members, and you
can see it today, many citizens are only concerned about filling their own
bellies and their own personal comfort and do not want to get off their ass to support freedom for everyone. The good news is,
black Americans do have every
reason to be pissed and that anger can be used to lead the pack in
following the guidance the colonists intended for the nation.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything" - Albert Einstein
country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from
time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let
them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon
& pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two?
the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood
of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure." - Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith Paris Nov. 13. 1787
the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts,
not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who would
pervert the Constitution” - Abraham Lincoln, February 27, 1860 Cooper Union, NY Speech
And the playbook of every despot and dictator's handbook is to
take vulnerable children, isolate them from their parents' protection,
divide them by any means possible to destroy agreement, and
indoctrinate them with the idea the state is all powerful and they must
follow the state's orders. Hitler did it with Hitler's youth, China is doing it to the Uighurs. Meanwhile children have no bias regarding anything, and they rely on their parents, not the state to help them flourish.
great majority
of "we
the people" today are tricked into selling their kids into enslavement
by another name, which is the mental enslavement of an education system
run by union protected
despots in schools dictating to our children what
thinking and education are about. China is doing the same thing
to the Uighurs without the phony pretense of our education
system. Read the
news about how our children are now being treated. Teachers and school boards threaten our kids, bully them, make them watch exhibits of
gay sexual behavior without warning them that gay sex can unleash AIDS - a virus
far more lethal than Covid, while ignorantly
insisting on masks and vaccinations they know absolutely nothing about
scientifically themselves.
Teachers refuse to be evaluated for their performance in a meaningful
way, and now they whine and snivel about parental oversight. Moreover,
they teach our children to
look for jobs instead of starting small businesses and working
themselves in a country that is supposed to be about self reliance. Here is one plausible explanation of why.
Then you have clowns like
the Democrats destroying jobs, flooding the country with illegals who
destroy wages and workplace bargaining power, trying to rig elections,
encouraging big tech to spy on and manipulate us. We teach our
children to get buried in debt, buy things they cannot afford and don't
need, we
let them get screwed and mentally imprisoned by social media, and we
want to whine and complain and tear down the colonists who founded this great
nation. Massive numbers of your forefathers died to get rid of
the hanky wavers from Britain, free the nation from slavery,
and lay the groundwork for everything else that is great about America. Then, we set a
wonderful example for our kids about subservience to our public
servants, who act like they are our masters and not the
political "functionaries" that actually serve us. Oh yessa massa Biden, is massa Fauci gonna tell us what to do nex? Give me a fucking break.
If you look carefully, the history of the nation shows an effort over
time by the functionaries to take away all of the rights the colonists
enshrined for all of the people in the nation of any color. That is not the case in
China, Russia, Canada,
Australia, countries in the EU, dictatorships or other repressive
states, because the people a long time ago lost any control they may have had
in these nations. Ask yourself who goes to extraordinary steps to make
sure this state of affairs continues? Governments, dictators, corrupt
the wealthy who live apart from everyone else, and you, by refusing to
do whatever is necessary to build and maintain a nation run by citizens
and not the hired help. We now spend huge amounts of time
elevating the hired help, the functionaries, to the status of
celebrities without insisting
that everything they do is reported clearly and transparently. We
don't count the silverware anymore. Are we stupid? These political whores and the
rich that buy them off have figured out how to steal entire nations and
us. What are we going to do about it?
- "Populating the North American continent and its peoples began with
the Spanish in 1565 at St. Augustine, Florida, then British in 1587 when
the Plymouth Company established a settlement that they dubbed Roanoke
in present-day Virginia. This first settlement failed and
in 1606, the London Company established a presence in what would become
Jamestown, Virginia. The French founded Quebec in 1608, then
the Dutch started a colony in 1609 in present-day New York." The colonies were started by foreign governments and the companies they approved to
exploit the resources of the North American continent. The fact that
the continent was already inhabited by various native tribes did not
matter, eventually they were killed off. A study of history shows greed for financial gain overrides everything.
- Slavery in the colonies was a way to get free labor to reduce the work of slave owners and to make money, such as was the case with growing cotton.
The skin color of slaves had nothing to do with it. Skin coloration
showed an adaption to exposure to the sun. Slaves were simply cheap
labor created by exploiting vulnerable, defenseless
people. Think human robots. A modified form of slavery was called indentured servitude. Today,
the latest cover for human slavery pushed by corporations, Chambers of
Commerce, business lobby groups,
and political parties is unlimited immigration. It's a barely disguised
form of slavery that is also designed to be deliberately divisive and
weaken citizens' rights. Slavery in any form is always about money and power.
- Illegal
immigrants are not a positive addition to any country. Illegal immigrants undermine citizens of countries they enter illegally, creating low cost competition for their jobs
and votes. In addition Illegal immigrants are failures, abandoning their homelands which are corrupt and
controlled by the rich and powerful who have exploited and abused them
for their own gain. Illegal immigrants fail
to fix
their own countries and instead go wherever corrupt politicians will
let them in. If illegal immigrants had even the tiniest shred of
the character and guts of the colonists they would find a way to
their corrupt governments, take back the wealth of the people that
exploit them and their country, and drive
out every person responsible for their situation, simple as it
is. Vietnam and Afghanistan are absolute proof no one else can do it
them. The good news is the illegal immigrants can be shipped back at
anytime in the future, like cold case files waiting to be solved. Save
the trouble of whining about kindness. Nothing can be kinder to anyone and everyone
than getting illegal immigrants to go home and fix the country they were born in by force. The only
problem with this approach is the fear among our own corrupt politicians that
to encourage anyone to rise up and take out the corrupt leaders in their
countries may set a precedent at home. To understand this idea
you only have to think about how many of our own corrupt politicians,
corporations, lawyers and others should go in a similar scenario. Your list could be lengthy. And by the
way, you can't make an illegal immigrant legal by changing the law, any
more than you can make murder acceptable by making all forms of murder
legal. (Israel,
which is important to discuss for a host of reasons explained later, has
no policies allowing illegal immigration, it builds border
walls and Israel deports illegal
immigrants.) Simply put, illegal immigrants are being weaponized
by the functionaries to undermine the nation, your jobs and wages, and
your freedom to reduce your options and try to put you in your place. Whose country is it anyhow? Not the "functionaries", that is for sure.
- Mass Indoctrination and Lying.This section spells out in no uncertain terms how you are being manipulated, lied to and
your rights taken away by online manipulation, lies and disinformation. Your view of
reality is constantly being manipulated by Google, Facebook, news
organizations and others. To understand in simple terms what this
means imagine using a map to cross America, and the map is a super
convenient digital map that is FREE: "Oh Boy, how wonderful!" except
that hidden from you is the fact that the map changes silently and out
of your view (does your iPhone know when you are looking at it?) based
on what the map suppliers and/or its customers want you to do and where
they want you to go. You are now exposed to a completely
deceptive "Metaverse" world ambushing your real world trip.
Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a vitally important book "The
Age of Surveillance Capitalism" that explains the entire process. In the linked documentary, Zuboff exposes Google and Facebook
and reveals a merciless form of capitalism in which the citizen itself,
you and your children, serve as a raw material. (50 minute video) Google exploits the "residual
data" that people leave behind in their searches on the internet as a
precious and saleable resource. This residual data is used not only to
predict but also to MODIFY the behavior of internet users. Internet
are used in a very targeted and effective way. Could a search engine be used to sway the minds of a voter?
In the next link Joe Rogan interviews Dr.
Robert Epstein, an author, professor, and Senior Research Psychologist
at American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology: a
non-profit, non-partisan organization that builds technology to examine
in great detail how search engines change and modify the information
EACH and EVERY Internet user sees. Their organization reports the
findings of their ongoing research regarding the
power of Google and other Big Tech companies to censor dissenting
opinions online and sway the outcome of elections among many other
forms of manipulation. It explains how by altering the "driving map" as discussed in the previous paragraphs, by
simply altering the data which you trust and rely on to get you where you want to go, they can completely change your
decision making process. "OK Harry, turn left here, drive 5 miles." (video 2 hours 41 minutes)
examples of government lies and propaganda include the idea that
people that question Covid vaccination are anti-vax. I have been
vaccinated for mumps, measles, chickenpox and whatever else at a time
when governments and the medical profession were trusted more, probably
because of a lack of information available. But raising serious and
legitimate questions about the mRNA vaccines now is what should be
done. In the main page of this site there are pages with over a
thousand links to medical studies concerning the adverse effects of the
Covid vaccines, and you should not ask questions? A second example is
the Canadian Trucker protests. Today there are accusations that they
are being fueled and funded by
foreign agents. The Russian hoax
shows how the media, with the help of the totally corrupt intelligence
community running coups in America to interfere in domestic
elections, can spin
completely fabricated lies into something believable to many people
and define the playbook for dipshits like Prime Minister Trudeau and
the heavy boots with
badges to claim insurrection to pull the same shit off in Canada. Ever
tried to play Call of Duty without
an enemy? You might as well play with yourself. These clowns have to
invent enemies.
publication is well insulated from that nonsense because we have
studying the ways in which military and government propaganda works and
suspected from day one it was lies. Now you are seeing European nations
announce they are arresting truckers and supporters that create similar
convoys. It truly is time for another revolution against the
hired help that have taken over our nations. They are a minority and
the only thing controlling the hard boots that defend them are
mortgages and personal debt, plus many of them are simply sniveling
bullies who can hide behind a badge to beat and oppress people.
There are links in this site that explain it. Remember, the
entire bunch work for you. If a repairman came into
your house and started calling you names, bossing you around, and
bullying you, threatening your kids, what would you do about
it? America is your house, which the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights make absolutely clear. As
long as they wear a badge, or collect a pension from your tax dollars,
or sit in chambers you as a nation built so they can provide services
to you, you must make sure they learn to stay in their lane. That
is your duty. Canadian news services report that some Canadians are upset the
truckers are honking, or disrupting traffic and so on. If they want
freedom, they have to be thankful someone is standing up for it.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of
servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us
in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the
hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may
posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” - Samuel Adams
How you can begin to defeat this. Read and research, study history, think, doubt instead of believe, question. That is a start. Switch your default search engine to Brave
or other privacy protected European search engines, do not use Google,
or a Microsoft Browser, cut back or eliminate social media, even create
false profiles. Firefox has less
tracking, or use the Brave browser which is Chrome derived and can
all of your bookmarks. Set it up side by side with whatever browser you
currently use and study the
differences to see if you are comfortable with the switch. Get rid of DuckDuckGo. It is altering with your search results.
- The
American legal system has been corrupted into a free market fee system for lawyers
structured to deny justice to those that cannot afford it. The consistency of
past legal rulings, no matter how bad they are, is maintained by a
system called precedents, firmly cementing the foundation of a
completely corrupt system. The people elected to serve the public
understand this is the case as evidenced by the fact that both
political parties clearly state their belief that the courts are a
political tool to manipulate to control influence and citizens, of course to enforce their particular objectives. Court packing
is one embodiment of that idea. The many cases in
which the media decry the decisions of the courts as favoring one group
or another strip any pretense that they believe the courts are legitimate arbiters of justice. The colonists
did create a backstop for court corruption, the 12 honest men (jurors)
Jefferson speaks of in the quote below,
but the courts and politicians do everything they can to make
sure citizens play little or no role in establishing justice using the
jury system, and there is such fear of juries that the media and the
public in some cases attempt to threaten them. Justice is the only thing that counts,
not the law, and juries have the power to deliver what they believe to
be just and fair. The
jury has the final say on such matters. The Fully Informed Jury Association
explains the jury system your forefathers put in place to dispense
justice the way you see fit no matter what the laws and the courts say. Answer the questionnaire in the link to understand how you protect your fellow citizens as a juror.
is just and fair existed long before the law, and the people have
always been the determinant of what that means. Unjust laws are
purposeful inventions that must be ignored and overruled. The courts
supposed to be
neutral arbiters of justice regardless of political stripe.
Both parties have
made it abundantly clear to the American people that their courts
not about justice but about manipulation
and control of the structural foundation of the nation.
stated, place no faith at
all in the idea that justice is served in the courts. The courts have
become commercial markets
like everything else. The key now is to subject their conduct
to intense scrutiny
and make extensive notes of their bad behavior. Thomas Jefferson
thought you would be better off flipping a coin to try and get justice
than trust a judge whose mid is warped by some motive you can't
see. The colonists and their representatives had great insight
into how corrupt people would behave and took steps to protect
you. When someone says they want to get rid of the system the
colonists made you are looking at a traitor and an enemy in your house.
“It is better to toss up cross and pile [heads or tails] in a cause
than to refer it to a judge whose mind is warped by any motive
whatever, in that particular case. But the common sense of twelve honest
men gives still a better chance of just decision than the hazard of
cross and pile.” -
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” -
The Annals of Imperial Rome
plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the
course of time they create for themselves a legal system that
authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." – Frederic Bastiat
- Voting.
The Democrats currently are making much ado about voting rights and
accusing the Republicans of trying to take these rights away. They are
absolutely lying. Both parties have a history of trying to fiddle elections, with gerrymandering
being one example of rigging elections to favor of one party over
another. In another scheme the Democrats are trying to legalize ballot
harvesting. In other words party members can pickup ballots from
anyone and submit them on their behalf. Study these proposals and you can see they are ripe for fraud and abuse. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Mail-In Voting in 2020 Infrastructure Risk Assessment. The Democrats are also trying to
water down voter identification rules. Everyone that has a
right to vote should be identified with proper identification and only
citizens should be able to vote if they meet the requirements for
voting. Yet New York State wants to give
illegal aliens the right to vote. The use of computerized
voting machines is also widespread in spite of the fact that there is not
computer software system anywhere that cannot be compromised from
outside or
inside, maliciously or deliberately.
Canada does not use electronic voting machines,
everyone must have legitimate forms of
identification to vote that are compared to voter roles and checked off in person by poll representatives, all ballots
are on paper and every ballot is saved for extended periods so they can
counted repeatedly if need be. Voting is on weekdays, and
businesses must allow employees time to vote. Every polling
station where
votes are cast and counted allows every party to have a
member present to review every vote being counted, and
collaboratively with members of the other parties evaluate disputed
ballots and allow or disallow them. There is no reason to use
any other type of system than one proven over many years to work in
Canada, and
anyone suggesting otherwise is simply looking for a way to defraud
voters and corrupt elections. Canada is a real world example of how to
run elections fairly and honestly. Ask yourself why no one is proposing that system be used.
- Republic.
The United States is a Republic with a Constitution and a Bill of
Rights. It is not a democracy and the majority can not override
anyone's individual rights. In a Republic, every person has equal
protection and
no matter how few people there are in a group, their individual rights
protected. So in the case of something like gay or transgender
rights, each person has the right to be what they want or say. That is
completely fine. At
the same time, a minority
cannot override the Constitution and Bill of Rights and demand that the majority agree with their position, such as by
allowing their underage and essentially defenseless children to be
recruited to a lifestyle they do not agree with. The larger group has the same
rights to protect its interests as the smaller groups. Freedom to
have different beliefs and diametrically opposed opinions is part of the process. Agreeing with anyone is not required.
"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society." - Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1816.
"Bear in mind this sacred
principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to
prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression." - Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural, 1801
- Biological
differences in sports competition. An autopsy of the dead settles any
issue of biological
differences in the sexes. It is doubtful any autopsy will identify many, if any,
transgender beings. The dead cannot argue with the findings of an
autopsy on gender biology, and surgical alteration does not count.
In the matter of biological males competing with biological females, there is a clear advantage to being born male,
which is unfair to women. Perhaps transgender males secretly hate
their mothers, or are too fearful to compete with their biological
counterparts. Either way, there is no good reason for transgender
beings not to compete with each other which they have every right to
do. Everyone however should object
to biological males competing with their daughters and sisters, as
anyone watching
this competition can immediately see the disadvantage they
are at. For those of you old enough to remember, there was a huge row
over drugging elite athletes, a complaint that persists to this
day. Whether induced artificially or naturally through birth
there are hormonal differences that can affect the outcome of sports
competition. If we want to wave those now to accommodate what is
essentially unfair competition, lets bring back the Lance Armstrongs of
the world with no rules. We are sure to get some pretty fast races and
amazing feats of endurance when no rules apply.
One heck of an option is for the most superior biological males
to declare themselves transgender in order to defend their
daughters and sisters in these one sided woke events and compete in the
women's division with transgender athletes. When they compete directly with transgender competitors and
kick their asses then it should become obvious that biology
makes a significant difference and that it is much smarter for
people to
choose a level playing field than attack women. The policies that
make turning the tables like this possible are based on the idea that
no one has to drop
their underwear to prove what they say they are, they simply have to
say it.
Just a few athletes doing so should turn the whole idea of biological
males competing with women on its
Or an even better approach is for women to call themselves wombers
(beings with wombs and birth canals) and only competition with other
wombers is allowed because of their unique biology. Gluing on a
won't count and you have to have had regular menstrual periods to be a
womber. Clearly being called a woman is not enough in this world,
so now the pants do come off and birth canals and menstrual cycles are
on display. Unless
transgenders can show how they can have and deliver babies through
their asses, they are excluded, although one could argue Joe Biden was
delivered by asshole, as was is his son Hunter and probably half of all elected officials as well.
- Public
servants, individualism and conformity. We are increasingly being
encouraged to conform to what we are being told by the "functionaries" the people that work for us and the the so called elite. However people that are in positions of
service, elected or appointed, represent us, not the other way
around. If you have someone paint your house, fix your car,
repair your plumbing, you have no obligation to give them everything
you own and serve them, and if they try to steal it, you have every
right to stop
them. If a person in your service tries to steal what does not
belong to them by force, at least in many jurisdictions in the United
States you can use whatever level of reasonable and even lethal force
to prevent it, as it should be. The colonists recognized the
danger of the "functionaries" trying to take over and ensured that
future colonists must be armed so they could do something about it. The
corrupt "functionaries" and the elite that support them are minorities, and
spineless. Moreover, they fear the people. Research what our
elected officials are spending on personal security, or read how the
cowardly super vaccinated Canadian Prime
Minister Trudeau suddenly developed Covid and was moved to a safe
location, or look at how Jan 6 is characterized as an attack on
democracy. Then look at
how the security forces proudly step up to defend these losers. No
paycheck is too small and no mortgage is too little
to stop boot licking security employees to march to the drumbeat.
These people are public servants in any country they are
deployed. They answer to citizens, not themselves and the
government that citizens temporarily put in place. When they act like they own the place
and not public servants they have to go. Corporations are no different.
remember, being the most warlike nation on earth, America has
trained tens of millions of people in warfare who are now
retired. While many defend their service, lies only baffle brains
for so long and people wake up. Ex military people are no
different than anyone else when their country is screwed up by idiots
in public service, and their lives and that of their children are just
as affected as those who have not served. American civilians of all
backgrounds who get it
can defend their nation against despotism by any means they chose. Here
are several Canadian Military veterans speaking out in support of freedom.
Don't be impressed by fancy weapons, militarized police, trained
armies. The goat herders in Afghanistan were outnumbered, out
weaponed, broke and with no technology, in the same way the colonists
were outnumbered by the British, which was the largest military on earth at the
time. When your homes, livelihoods and children are attacked by
those who lie continuously to take away your rights and future, what
rules apply? When it turns out vaccines
and vaccine policies hurt your children, destroyed the nation, its a
short list to identify the people responsible.
the other hand, when you think about JFK being dispatched, or read
through the many links in this site about your own intelligence
agencies killing foreign leaders, spreading lies and bullshit about the
people you elect like the Russia hoax, or Hoover keeping files on
everyone to
maintain his power and either hide the fact that
he was gay, or in the alternative if not hiding being gay, then
Hoover was simply a career criminal in bed with the mob, the FBI's attempts to kill
Martin Luther King, its clear the future the colonists
envisioned for America is being destroyed by greed, the lust for power,
and maintaining a lousy pension by civil servants that are supposed to answer to you. Its about time they did.
"Governors have no right to seek
what they please; by this, instead of being content with the station assigned
them, that of honorable servants of the society, they would soon become
Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants." - Samuel Adams, Resolutions
of Town of Boston, 1772 ("The Rights of the Colonists . . .")
seems to have been imagined by some that the returning to the mass of the people
was degrading the magistrate. This he thought was contrary to republican principles.
In free Governments the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors
& sovereigns. For the former therefore to return among the latter was not
to degrade but to promote them--and it would be imposing an unreasonable
burden on them, to keep them always in a State of servitude, and not allow them
to become again one of the Masters." - Benjamin Franklin (Remarks in Framing Convention, 1787 as summarized by Madison
in his record, page 6)
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who
approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but
downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably
ruined." - Patrick Henry
One of the
more honest and realistic examples of a "functionary" knowing his place and staying in his lane was exemplified
by Jose Alberto Pepe Mujica Cordano, the 40th President of Uruguay. In this link he explains his thinking.
People whether elected or appointed in countries like Canada, Austria,
Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, and the Biden administration in the
United States, act like they have been anointed kings, giving them
absolute control over citizens, dictating what they can demand citizens
do and how they behave.
An excellent prediction of this type of leadership behavior was foretold in the plot of the 1975 movie Rollerball. In the movie the best Rollerball player in the world, Johnathan E's, "stellar performance over the years made Jonathan
the most recognizable Rollerballer in history and civilians all over the
world recognize him on sight." As the story suggests "This recognition is problematic for the
hegemonic corporations" that
are trying to create total population control and kill individualism.
You need no better example of that prediction coming true today than in
the handling of Australia canceling Novak Djokovic's visa, the number
one tennis player in the world. The reason given is that he is a
danger to public health because he defied the idea of Covid
vaccination. The truth is Djokovic
is an individual that thinks for himself and exposes the public servants that
try to pass themselves off as leaders in Australia, making them look
like exactly what they are, which are petty tyrants seizing power and
using whatever means they can to enforce it. Where the hell are
all the individual thinkers in Australia, or have they all been having
intimate relationships with sheep for so long they now think they are
You should not spend 5 seconds worrying about the citizens that
the government in cases like these, they are the "hand lickers" Samuel
spoke of in the quote below. You are under no obligation to buckle to
the many slurs the left likes to throw at people that do not agree with
them. Feel fully justified in ignoring them and make your opinion
well known. Its about time. As an example, the entire Covid
narrative and facts are
vastly different than what is portrayed in the media and those
follow blindly along. Covid was like throwing slop before pigs, they
run for the trough, tripping all over themselves to get as much "power slop" as they
can. In this case the political hogs took as much control as they
could grab, lied through their teeth without the slightest clue that
they were right, and luckily for you, exposed everything rotten you
need to know about them. Now its time to clean the barn.
Anyone unwilling to research it for themselves cannot
dictate to anyone that actually takes the time to do so. When
the real risks about Covid and of vaccines are ultimately exposed, and
that millions of our children are found to have been damaged not only
by the vaccines but also Covid policies, those that enforced the
policies that have damaged us must be dealt
with as harshly as the traitors and quislings who undermine any nation
to preserve their power and position. They are no different than
thieves and murderers, as time will surely show and they do not get to
claim ignorance or say they were trying to help. In a free state,
the "functionaries" lay out the case for their position and the people decide. Unfortunately that only works when the "functionaries" can be trusted. Today the state of trust in the "functionaries"
and the petty tyrants in bureaucracies that cling to their coattails
like the boot lickers they are, fearing for their jobs, destroys all
trust in these groups, which is actually a great thing. It forces
you to do what you are supposed to do in a free state, which is think,
learn and supervise what the people that work for you do. I cannot find
one place in the colonists' instructions where "blind obedience" is
In this
link Slate magazine tells the story of the people of Iceland
who were fed up
with being screwed by their politicians, bankers and the global
elite. The
people of Iceland wanted to create a new constitution that the people
themselves created to change the exploitive arrangement they lived
under. This
article talks
about Iceland’s elites blocking the change. The status quo and laws
erected by corruptors to protect it are intended to destroy freedom,
and one of the problems is they will do this stuff behind you back or
under the cloak of a false narrative, like "National Security", need to
be redacted and so on. All bullshit.
In addition, don't expect the "functionaries" in any country to admit fault or do the right thing. Tony Blair, the murdering sack of garbage
British Prime Minister who backed George Bush in the
completely false war attacking Iraq over weapons of mass destruction
that did not exist and they knew it, sanctioned the murder of between
288,000 and
500,000 innocent Iraq citizens. Now that piece of
garbage has been knighted by the British Government. The corrupt take care of each other first.
- Your
fellow citizens. In every conflict a large number of citizens will not
participate. It is the problem Samuel Adams addressed when he
chastened colonists who would not support the War of Independence from
Britain, or similarly Southerners that defended slavery because it
benefited them. Polling showing how divided the country is on issues
goes part of the way in illustrating how people can have completely
different views
of the same issue. I spent a lot of time with a person on a
project who
when not working, listened to CNN and their constant lies, which shaped
his opinions on public affairs. I constantly tried to drive home
the point that CNN was nothing but a
propaganda rag full of lies, which I knew from researching issues,
which he never did. When CNN's narratives finally started
unraveling publicly, he began to realize what I was saying was
true. The wool was completely ripped off his eyes with the election of
Biden and his administration's outright failures across the board,
particularly with immigration policy, its lies and
shifting policies about Covid, the shutting down of the oil sector
(he lives in a region dependent on the oil and gas industry) and
the attempts to change voting laws. Ultimately he turned off CNN permanently. Biden and the Democrats' behavior are
the best thing that ever happened to wake up Americans to the lies and propaganda the mainstream media spews daily.
A person's financial situation also has a lot to do
with it. Consider your own situation. If you have a job
that pays you what you need to live, debts you need to pay, upsetting
that lifestyle is difficult and makes you less likely to rock the
boat. Our entire approach to capitalism is designed to exploit
that weakness.
is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that
they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by
arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time
for rebellion." - Aristotle in Politics (J. Sinclair
translation, pg. 226, 1962)
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
the government, using your money, buys off vast numbers of government
employees to support their positions no matter what. "State
government employees in most
receive greater total
compensation than
similarly educated and experienced private-sector employees
work for large employers. Public-employee wages in nearly all states
fall below those paid in the private sector, but fringe benefits –in
particular health and retirement benefits – are
significantly more generous in
than in the private
sector. In addition,
public employees in every state have greater job security than they
would likely enjoy outside of government."
These people are not likely to upset a gravy train they can
not get in the private sector. Teachers unions are another good
example. The teachers unions' complete lack of accountability to parents and their failure to teach the children of the nation properly has made them so desperate to protect their turf they
are willing to undermine parents from having any say in what their their children are taught as a threat not to cross them. In some cases corrupt courts try to enforce laws that permit this to happen. When
a nation reaches that sorry state of affairs, its time for citizens to correct the entire thing by
whatever means necessary.
No matter what, despite the name calling, claims of being uneducated,
the reality is the most terrifying thing to see is people who follow
blindly like sheep, mouthing the party line rather than thinking for
themselves. The followers are the real problem, not the people
that resist and question. Simply ignore them as the fools they are.
"A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices." - George Orwell
There is possibly one saving grace however for citizens on the sidelines. Anyone watching a bully brutally beating an innocent person, even if they were too afraid to step in themselves, should be willing to cheer on someone else who did. The complete lack of trust in the media shows a lot more people get what is going on than the votes and the news suggest and are cheering from the sidelines
voting with their feet. The solution is to continually expose by
whatever means and as graphically as possible all of the bullying,
lying, and manipulation designed to destroy your lives and that of your
children. Hopefully over time people will no longer take it. That may not always be a given however as this 12 minute video discusses.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of
servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us
in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the
hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may
posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” - Samuel Adams
- Globalism. Major American businesses are constantly looking for ways to increase profits, reduce costs and maximize shareholder primacy.
Locations where labor is already skilled, or educated and capable of
learning quickly, and that will work for far less than Americans are at
the top of the list for places to manufacture goods. Countries that
have such labor resources offer these resources to American
corporations on favorable terms. In addition, places like China,
Asia and Africa, have billions of people, roughly 76% of the world
population. America has roughly 4.2% of the world population. No
matter how you cut it, the future is where the people are. The
suggestion that China hollowed out America's industrial base, economy and working class
after it joined the World Trade Organization is nonsense. It is so easy to see you do not need anything more than a 2 second think to figure it out. American
businesses that need a larger audience to sell their products to moved
their operations to China, ON China's terms, to make a buck and they do
what they have to do to
escape the nonsense America's foreign wonks use to try and fence in
Moreover, American corporations are behind flooding the US with illegal
immigrants. It would appear that Covid tyranny is an effort to
transfer even greater power to corporations. Unfortunately, everyone in
Washington is in on it, and the wealthy have purchased politicians with their money and donations. In the end, it is the American people and
American workers that get screwed, as usual. Americans need to
start and own businesses that work differently than those corrupt
entities years of graft, corruption and lobbying have created.
"I hope we shall take warning from the example and crush in it’s birth the aristocracy
of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial
of strength, and to bid defiance to the laws of their country." Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Logan Poplar Forest near Lynchburg Nov. 12. 16-
- Insurrection.
There is no doubt the British viewed the colonists as insurrectionists.
The British had laws and rules governing the colonies in the same way
every country does, and they had infrastructure in place to enforce
their position. The colonists had multiple areas of contention with
British governance, which the colonists tried to discuss with the
British over a period of years, all to no avail. The British
refusal to listen and their belief that they could control the
colonists by force ultimately led
to war with Britain:
"That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and
Independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the
British crown, and that all political connection between them and the
State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.” - Richard Henry Lee, June 7, 1776 Lee Resolution
You can be assured that no matter what the people do in any country
to free themselves from a corrupt government today they too will be accused of insurrection
by the functionaries - the corrupt public servants, and the police and internal
security forces of the nation will do as they are told not only because their
salaries depend on it, but also because of the willingness
of people in a position of power over others to do evil when they think
they can get away with it or are following orders.
There will be many arguments for peaceful protests and means, but they
are all nonsense. While you are busy protesting, politicians and those
in control of wealth and power can rig the outcome of any game out of
sight behind citizens' backs. There is only one thing valuable that can
learned from the military industrial complex, and that is that armed
conflict is definitely a tool of change, even if the goals of the
conflict are
illegitimate and the entire process corrupt. Once again the
colonists left instructions for future generations to apply in such
situations, which were written into the Preamble to the Declaration of
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That
to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any
Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right
of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments
long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more
disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right
themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and
to provide new Guards for their future security."
The 1946 film in the link by Encyclopedia Britannica describes Despotism,
which is exactly what is going on today. It used to be
taught in schools and "asks viewers to gauge
where their communities lie on the scale of democracy vs. despotism, and
points out that key indicators are concentration of wealth and power,
civil liberties and freedom of the press, and respect for others."
No wonder the film is no longer taught in school. Next, if you are looking for a longer read, click
the cover image of George Orwell's
1984 and the entire book in PDF
format is available to read and can be downloaded. Next to that
is a book called Rape of the Mind which explains the Psychology of
thought control. The entire book in PDF
format is available to read and can be downloaded.
- Religion. I am not an advocate of the business of organized religion but
throughout history there appear to have been been those that have been
inspired by something that led them to insights many others may not
realize in their lifetimes. This long read book on Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke,
a psychiatrist who studied elevated consciousness touches on the idea.
Joseph Campbell, a researcher of belief systems talked about
the importance and purpose of belief systems with Bill Moyers of PBS.
It is important to have
hope, and a belief in the idea of a Superhero can inspire one to take
action. Eventually
however the strengths of the Superhero have to be internalized so you
do it
yourself. There is no justification to spend your entire life waiting
for the Superhero to show up and save you, spending your entire life as
a follower. The Church of course will tell you to put money in
the collection box as if it is some kind of bribe to get God to show up
and clean house. They are kidding of course, what would they do if God
did show up and started throwing all the choir boy diddlers into hell,
then grabbed their bankers and hypocrites. Nope, no chance the bribes
will work and they know it. I have a much
better explanation for going beyond being a blindly obedient follower,
in the way of a parable. A priest, minister,
whatever, drives by a farm in the country and it is so beautiful he
stops and says to the farmer: "Hello my good man. What a beautiful farm you have. God has certainly blessed you with such a wonderful gift!" The farmer thinks for a minute, and replies "Thank-you father, I am blessed, but you should have seen this place when God had it all to himself." Thats the sum of it.
Another simple idea documented in religious texts, but coming from inspired thinking is in a parable
"And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You know that those
who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their
great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among
you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and
whoever would be first among you must be your slave." That
idea is the foundation of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the
Declaration of Independence. How have we allowed that idea to get
turned on its head?
"Governors have no right to seek
what they please; by this, instead of being content with the station assigned
them, that of honorable servants of the society, they would soon become
Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants." - Samuel Adams, Resolutions
of Town of Boston, 1772 ("The Rights of the Colonists . . .")
seems to have been imagined by some that the returning to the mass of the people
was degrading the magistrate. This he thought was contrary to republican principles.
In free Governments the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors
& sovereigns. For the former therefore to return among the latter was not
to degrade but to promote them--and it would be imposing an unreasonable
burden on them, to keep them always in a State of servitude, and not allow them
to become again one of the Masters." - Benjamin Franklin (Remarks in Framing Convention, 1787 as summarized by Madison
in his record, page 6)
- Jews.
Jewish people are one of if not the most accomplished groups of people on
earth and
frankly if you want to dig out of a deep hole, learning how the Jews do
what they do and applying these lessons is critical. I
think of the Jewish people like the New England Patriots under Bill
Bellichuk in the
Brady years, or the Green Bay Packers under Vince Lombardi. If
you are in the game of football, you want to
understand everything Bellichuk, Lombardi, and the best of the best are
doing and thinking, and embody that knowledge in your own team.
One of the founders of this site is a Jewish lawyer who had a lengthy
and successful practice in law. We discussed the ideas and
concepts this site speaks to daily and the reasons it does so. One was
his idea that the purpose of law should be about
justice for the average person, not for making profits from their
problems. Another was his thinking about traditional Judaism. He had
three children who he sent to private schools, not run by Jews but by
gentiles. I questioned him about that because as a Jew his
children were entitled to the best Jewish education available.
His explained he wanted his children to understand that there was
another world view out there, and not just that of being a devout Jew.
I was also curious about how Jews became so proficient with
money. He explained that in history, Jews were prevented from
participating in the skilled trades, and so were left to fend for
themselves as traders, merchants and in money lending. I have an
Austrian/German background, so the fact that we could work together
with a common understanding of our direction is prescient.
to this I was involved in a long partnership with another Jew who over time it became apparent was a shyster. He was completely
different from the founder of this site, as were some of those he associated
with. It eventually occurred to me that he disliked
gentiles. At one point I asked what the purpose of the Mezuzah on
the door at the entrance to their home was and he said that it was to
remind them not to be defiled
by the presence of a gentile in their home. Another example was
when we discussed his relationship with a Jewish girl his parents
wanted him to marry. His family were poor Jews, his mother was a
clerk and his father worked at low wages for another Jew selling shtof,
while the Jewish girl's family was well off and prominent. He
said he did not
want to get close to her because the expectation was that he would have
to carry on with her. Instead he was taking out a beautiful
gentile. I asked what would happen if his gentile girlfriend
became pregnant and he
said that if "the shiksa" got pregnant that would be her
You can see expressions of that attitude towards gentiles in the Jeffery Epstein
affair. All of the young girls exploited in the Epstein honey pot
were underage gentile "shiksas,"
who Epstein and his cronies treated like exploitable garbage they could sacrifice to compromise the
thousands of prominent goys the honey pot needed to gain damaging leverage over
them to benefit the Jewish state. Ann Coulter's recent article comments on the oddity that "our ruling class’s strange lack of interest in Jeffrey Epstein’s child molestation ring, in which so many of them played a part",
which is a reflection of the power of that leverage. Its one thing to
be caught screwing a person of age, but even leering at or watching 12
year old girls being molested, all captured on film, or jumping in and
participating still has the power to enrage the public whose children should be protected from harm.
Another lesson I learned from his group was from a party in which I
blended in. A young Jew was lamenting the fact that his parents
wanted him to get into business and he did not know what to do.
The Jew he was talking with was a bank manager in a major bank who
explained to him that the bank had a client with a very successful
business that was simple to start up and that the client had provided
the bank with his detailed business plan and contacts. The banker
said he had intimate details of how the business ran their client had
to supply the bank to get a loan. The banker said to come by the
branch and he would give him a copy of this information. The simple
lesson is Jews help Jews, no different than many other groups tied together by a common cause, and if you read the link about Israel
in the section on immigration in an earlier point you will see they
tightly control their own society to prevent the kind of crap the
American people and their children are being deliberately exposed
In fact there are quite reasonable observations that Soros
funded Attorney Generals are responsible for some of it, as a way to
destabilize American citizens, who are one of the few groups of people
in the world who were established to be independent and free thinking
souls having the tools to control their homeland the way their
forefathers, the colonists
wanted for themselves and intended for future generations.
“When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain,
the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was governor
of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most
effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly,
but weaken them, and let them sink gradually.”. . . I ask, who are the
militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public
officers.” — Virginia`s U.S. Constitution ratification convention, 1788
The first step in knowing why you have to learn everything you can
about Jewish power and influence and then how to adopt their tactics for
use in your own life, is to understand just how much power and wealth Jews actually have in America. The article in this link provides a view of just how successful Jews are in America,
and how deeply involved they are in controlling the levers of power and
wealth in the nation. Money and influence are weapons, learn to use them.
The next linked article talks about their influence and treatment in history, and this article talks about the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (more commonly known as AIPAC, or the “Israel lobby”) and how it works.
Under no circumstances let name calling and accusations of antisemitism dissuade you from looking and
learning about how effective Jews are at getting things done. Its like being told not to ask questions of public servants
who daily do things that may damage your future. Biden and his
administration understand the problem of the public knowing what is going on so they avoid taking questions as much
as possible and the compliant mainstream media asks questions so
softball its like asking
what time it is. The whole basis of
freedom is continually questioning things. You will see similar
criticisms about studying Covid,
suggesting that it is better for you to trust the experts.
Bullshit, everyone who knows anything started from scratch. Look.
You must use the best tactics available to regain power and
control and to do so you have to study those that are already doing it to learn and adapt their
methods, tactics and strategies in your own campaigns. The Jews
are simply the best in the game from what I can determine and no matter what protests are thrown
at you, you have to figure out their tools, strategies and beliefs, whatever they are, and use them yourself.
That is
how things work in a competitive world, and if you refuse to learn
you lose.
- The
use of money to control the population. Former United States Assistant
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Bush
Administration and who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co., Catherine
Austin Fitts, talks about the mechanisms of the interplay between
politics and finances. She reveals how massive systemic corruption
leads to the replacement of democracy with orders and control, subtly
at first and obviously in the corona crisis. She discusses the simple
stance that can be taken to minimize further damage. 1.28 hour video
- Covid reviewed.
This section is push back on the idea that people that ask questions
about the Covid narrative are pushing dangerous misinformation, like
the attacks on Joe Rogan for his discussions with his guests. Rogan's guests bring a fresh perspective to the tyranny of fear governments
around the world are perpetuating.
You may remember or have read that for the longest time people were
supposed to believe the world was flat according to their leaders, or
believe in witches and burn them at the stake. How much harm was
done by completely deluded followers without the ability to
challenge authority and ask questions. Want to be a dumb ass follower?
Don't think and question. Maybe you can get a job with CNN,
MSNBC, WAPO or the View, or you can simply sit in front of your TV and
slobber on your shirt, clinging to every word spewing out of MSM about
why you should conform to their wisdom.
Otherwise, this section puts a lot of information at your fingertips to ask
serious questions about Covid. It is not meant to minimize the
potential hazards of a new virus, but there are some extremely well
educated Doctors, scientists and researchers that are asking the
questions that should have been asked from the beginning. In
addition, it has many links, and links within the articles to
scientific research that also asks the questions. There are alternative
forms of treatment available that the government and unfortunately the
politicized agencies that should be supporting their use, are trying to
suppress and punish the doctors that are using them. You will see from
the links that there are hundreds of world leading physicians that are
doing so. To explain in simple terms why you need to adjust your
thinking on this issue you only need to look at the government
releasing criminals into your community, essentially destroying it,
flooding the borders with ILLEGAL aliens, which is absolutely not in
your interests, trying to screw up the electoral process, which you
only have to look at Canada to see what works and has for years, to
know your government is your enemy, not your friend. On top of
hundreds of expert opinions and questions, the Office of the Attorney
General of the State of Nevada, issued an opinion that essentially
refutes everything the FDA and CDC says about alternative treatments.
Nothing in what is written in this section is intended to minimize the
potential risks of a Covid infection or provide medical advice.
But, there are alternatives to experimental vaccines in the short term
which could be used to buy time for the normal testing procedure used
for every vaccine previously. One would really hope that if history
shows the actions of government and others that deny you the right to
honest answers were responsible for damaging the future of your children,
that you would do something about it. It is no different than murderers
coming into your home and killing, molesting or wounding them. The
people in America that understand what that means are the only beacons
of hope for people everywhere, because you have the actual power to do
something about it if you think clearly and you refuse to buckle to the
cowards, liars and manipulators that would prevent you from doing so.
It bears repeating again that when this site investigates a subject,
the advice given by Richard Feynman, quoted below is a constant guide. Feynman is a Nobel
prize winning scientist who as an example of his logical approach
explained how NASA officials ignored problems with the O-rings that
sealed the Challenger spacecraft fuel tanks resulting in the death of
the seven astronauts on board. NASA's faulty thinking is attributed to
group think which appears to be the case with the CDC, FDA and the
Biden administration as well as much of the politically motivated
health guidance in use worldwide on Covid. Feynman's advice:
“If you thought that science was certain - well, that is just an error on your part.”
“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.”
“I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.”
“We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress."
"No government has the
right to decide on the truth of scientific principles, nor to prescribe
in any way the character of the questions investigated. Neither
may a government determine the aesthetic value of artistic creations,
nor limit the forms of literacy or artistic expression. Nor should it
pronounce on the validity of economic, historic, religious, or
philosophical doctrines. Instead, it has a duty to its citizens to
maintain the freedom, to let those citizens contribute to the further
adventure and the development of the human race."
"Have no respect
whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he
starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, "Is it reasonable?" - Richard P. Feynman
- Personal Change. You can change anything, quickly. To
understand a successful rapid change process, ask somebody who went through military boot camp to explain it.
Three to four months in the military's Skinner Box and you
change. Your sleep, what you eat, personal discipline, no friends
and family, good Christian - kill anybody including women and children. Part of the process is to live
in the military Metaverse (lies) get fully immersed in bullshit, and
above all, don't think or question. Challenge vax - get out. The
military is a supplier of the last resort womb. They
are now using money, security and benefits to pull you into the
behavioral trap, like using cheese in a mousetrap. Poverty, loss
of purpose and direction, no parental guidance, teachers pushing you to
hate the country, promises of a good education, are all bait. Once you
are in the behavioral trap they can fully manipulate you and screw up
your mind. They they keep up the patriotism and loyalty bullshit
and honor you in public ceremonies so you won't rebel. However
Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan were all wars based on lies, and the suckers
and the dead were you and civilians. The real honor is believing
in America and freedom at home, with you becoming a strong and free
individual, and not going off fight bullshit battles in far off lands
so the so called military functionaries can have wet dreams at your
expense. I write about it here. You can change anything if you recreate the process. There are alternatives. Look around and above all think about it.
The Intelligence, Military Industrial Complexes - (Bits and pieces until fully assembled)
The Department of Homeland Security issued what is essentially a warning against free speech on February 7, 2022,
with one point that suggests "...threat actors seek to exacerbate
societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in
government institutions to encourage unrest."
However, if you
read and investigate facts for yourself, which the internet, libraries
of all kinds, news and historical information provide, you can see the
government, government institutions like the intelligence community,
the military, and any other group or institution that falls under the
description of the hired help citizens put in place to serve them, need
no help from threat actors to undermine public trust in their conduct and
operation. They do a fantastic job of undermining public trust in their behavior all by
themselves. The Department of
Homeland Security's memo or directive is to simply try and shut people
up who point out the government's and its institutions' failures, lies, corruption, and
their willingness to inflict injury and tyranny on the people they
work for and are supposed to serve. They just can't operate in the sunlight, like the ghouls
they have become.
is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is
not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy.” - Joseph Pulitzer
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell, author of 1984. So Homeland Security, suck it up.
This site has been studying the Intelligence and Military Industrial Complexes of the United States
for many years, covering thousands of articles, studies,
and books on their conduct. To say they are a criminal organization would not
fully illustrate the depth of corruption, criminal behavior, murder, and
destruction of lives they are responsible for. Virtually nothing
that comes from their existence benefits anyone. They are a
destructive force to life globally and truly are the enemy of everyone everywhere.
The image below is a snapshot of
Google Analytics session logs for the initial version of this site in 2015 listing the government
agencies and military organizations following the site along with a few
others in this list.
Since we have never received a letter from any of
these firms thanking us for exposing the surveillance state they have
turned America into, we can only assume
they are unhappy we are talking about it. For some reason
today they seem to be emboldened by the Biden admin and the Democrats
to think they can go whole hog in abusing Americans. I guess if
half the American population is compliant now is the time to move on the rest,
rigging the news, leveraging tech companies, manipulating electoral
district boundaries, ballot harvesting and screwing around with
propaganda aided by clowns like Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Wray, and
Merrick Garland, the list is endless, running interference for them.
Thinking of Enlisting? You Could Lose Your Life or Limbs in a War That Accomplishes Nothing
America's Fourth Reich: Joe Biden - I want to Be Just Like Them. I'm a Tough Guy Too
The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations
Shocking New Report: The CIA Performed Human Experiments on Prisoners Under Bush
MK-Ultra top-secret CIA project to conduct clandestine experiments on unwitting U.S. citizens
to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture.
Learn from NAZI Gestapo, Hide Gestapo Scientists in America.
The Nazis Next Door: Eric Lichtblau on How the CIA & FBI Secretly Sheltered Nazi War Criminals
CIA Run Whorehouses So CIA Could Exploit Idiots Who Wanted to Get Laid
The Sweeties Strike Again - All The Torture Experiments Fit to Print
NYT: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagons Hidden Hand
The FBI is Responsible for More Terrorist Plots in the USA Than Al Qaeda (9 min video)
Obama: Up to His Ass in this Cesspool
CNN’s Mudd: FBI People ‘Ticked’ About Memo; Are Saying About Trump
‘Game Is Going to Be Played,’ They’re ‘Going to Win’
Yippee: Detailed Torture Pages. Our "functionaries" at Work
The capacity for evil can spread like an epidemic (Editor: Especially When You Can Get Away with It Without Complaint)
Restricted U.S. Army Psychological Operations Officer Training Manual (Vastly Improved Since First Publication)
Cato Institute: How the National Security State Manipulates the News Media
How the Intelligence Community Uses American Journalism to Be Its Lying Mouthpiece
CNN and MSNBC Are Like "State TV" With Ex-Intel Officials As Contributors
CIA Covert Ops
The Murderous History and Deceitful Function of the CIA - System Update with Glenn Greenwald (Video 1.26 hours)
The Jakarta Method
- Washington's Anticommunist Crusade & Mass Murder Program that
Shaped Our World. The hidden story of the wanton slaughter of
civilians in Indonesia, Latin America, and around the world backed by
the United States. In 1965, the U.S. government helped the Indonesian
military kill approximately one million innocent civilians. This was
one of the most important turning points of the twentieth century,
eliminating the largest communist party outside China and the Soviet
Union and inspiring copycat terror programs in faraway countries like
Brazil and Chile. But these events remain widely overlooked, precisely
because the CIA's secret interventions were so successful. In
this bold and comprehensive new history, Vincent Bevins builds on his
incisive reporting for the Washington Post, using recently declassified
documents, archival research and eye-witness testimony collected across
twelve countries to reveal a shocking legacy that spans the globe. For
decades, it's been believed that parts of the developing world passed
peacefully into the U.S.-led capitalist system. The Jakarta Method
demonstrates that the brutal extermination of unarmed leftists was a
fundamental part of Washington's final triumph in the Cold War. (Book in PDF Format or ePub)
And just in case you think this type of information is propaganda, listen to the corrupt bitch Madeline Albright, the 64th United States Secretary of State
from 1997 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton, say killing 500,000
children in Iraq, a war which itself was based on a total lie, was
acceptable. So do you really believe you and your kids matter to any government if
you toe the party line put forward by the public servants you
elect or appoint to look after your interests? Vaccines included?
If you believe the government you are stupid. Here is an independent news article reporting on "stupid",
back from the days (1966) when telling the truth in news mattered a bit
more than it does today I guess. Of course the legacy of J. Edgar
Hoover provided fertile soil for the clowns in intelligence today.