Ukraine - A War Against All of Us

February 27, 2022
If you actually care to read all of the recent articles in this site, and investigate the older articles that list hundreds if not thousands of examples of US military adventurism, selling drugs to fund black ops, importing and protecting Nazis who experimented on prisoners of war to among other things learn how to control them, using false flags to start wars such as in Iraq, lying about weapons that did not exist, you should have, if you have any kind of logical thinking, understand that our governments and the military cannot be trusted and lie constantly.  The American military is simply a global mafia with their own hitmen arranging murders and the destruction of entire nations.  Any person capable of reading can discover it.

Evidence shows the public already know the news media cannot be trusted.  So what is the point here?  Of all of the nations on earth, the American colonies were founded by a bunch of independent minded people brought in by the ruling classes of foreign nations looking to exploit the riches of North America.  Over time it occurred to the colonists that in fact they were the value in the nation, since they were the ones that extracted the riches, were placed in harms way to kill the Indians that owned the land, and send the bounty of the nation to the ruling classes without any representation to deal with their rights and grievances. 

History shows they spent considerable time trying to NEGOTIATE a reasonable understanding with the ruling British, and when that failed they declared independence which lead to a bloody war in which many people died. As history would have it, the French and the Native Indians helped the colonists and eventually the British were driven out of America.

The colonists then embarked on the creation of a nation that was a Republic, and the history of that development shows their research identified a Republic with the rights of the people, both the minorities and the majorities equally protected, was the best design.  They were very careful to make sure that the people were to run things and frankly, if your read everything, there was extreme efforts to try and make sure that no kings or permanent ruling classes were established. The people were to remain forever armed to prevent it, including killing those that would try.  The colonists called the temporary help "functionaries", and this publication will do so whenever possible.

"all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their functionaries* executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved) or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and freedom of the press." - Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright. Monticello in Virginia. June 5. 24.

"what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure." - Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith Paris Nov. 13. 1787

The colonists design clearly articulated that the role of the functionaries was to help guide the nation temporarily, not permanently, and they must know their place.

"Governors have no right to seek what they please; by this, instead of being content with the station assigned them, that of honorable servants of the society, they would soon become Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants." - Samuel Adams, Resolutions of Town of Boston, 1772 ("The Rights of the Colonists . . .")

"It seems to have been imagined by some that the returning to the mass of the people was degrading the magistrate. This he thought was contrary to republican principles. In free Governments the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors & sovereigns. For the former therefore to return among the latter was not to degrade but to promote them--and it would be imposing an unreasonable burden on them, to keep them always in a State of servitude, and not allow them to become again one of the Masters." - Benjamin Franklin (Remarks in Framing Convention, 1787 as summarized by Madison in his record, page 6)

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." - Patrick Henry

I would venture to say no other nation benefits from that type of rough beginning, and in fact most Americans have let their inheritance slip though their fingers by allowing a ruling class in the form of political dynasties, corrupt corporate influence, a criminal intelligence community and a murderous military industrial complex to exist.  So far, there are enough armed Americans and at least half the population that does not buy the liberal nonsense that the functionaries should be obeyed without question.

Rather than use world events to underscore the problem, just look at your own daily life.  You were told this horrible disease Covid will kill millions.  How many dead people that died from Covid do you know, actually backed by autopsy? As of today's date, in the US there are 972,984 dead out of a population 334,210,037 people, or less than a third of one percent. Worldwide the percentage is lower.  There are also legitimate questions as the the accuracy of people actually dying OF Covid and not simply WITH Covid, as well as the accuracy of assigning the cause of death without autopsies.  Even autopsies in medical studies have been shown to have serious questions about their accuracy.

You were told vaccines are responsible for stopping the spread of Covid. Research it, they did not. You were told the emergency was so dire that convicted criminal drug companies must be given billions of dollars to produce vaccines with an absolute guarantee of immunity from prosecution if they harm you and your children. Yet there was no evidence that the majority of people under a certain age were in any danger from Covid at all, but now there are thousands of examples of side effects coming out, that will be studied for years. 

In the early days of the colonies, if you stole a man's cattle, killed his family, you were shot dead on the spot.  Who is going to levy that punishment on the people perpetrating harm on you and your family today, using your money from taxes, inflated food and home heating costs and so on?  What you should notice however, is that every time one of these criminals are brought before a court they get away with pleading no admission to liability, which allows them to continue. Who arranged that set up?  It was a group we call the getaway drivers. They don't rob the store, they just make sure the thieves do not get caught.  They have law degrees and run the courts.  Quick Note:  One of the founders of this site is a well respected Jewish lawyer whose family members are in the news business.

You were told there were no alternative treatments for Covid, and yet there are. They are like the tire inflators you can buy to blow up a flat when you are on the highway and can't use a spare.  They get you where you want to go until you can properly fix the tire. Yet alternative Covid treatments are banned.  To tell you why you need tire inflators, watch TV for the ads selling American pharmaceuticals.  Half the ad time is spent telling you how the product will kill you.  Have you seen any similar ads for Covid vaccines?  The testing that is occurring on the vaccines today is in your children's' bodies.  If they harm your children and you do not do anything about it you are simply worthless as a human being.  When Covid vaccines are subjected to the historically rigorous testing other medications are subjected to and adverse events are minimal, then there may well be no need for alternative treatments.  That is unless the alternative treatments work and are so cheap they do not leave Big Pharma with billions to bribe functionaries. The sleight of hand that occurs right now is the claim how many people lived and did not get sick.  However if 99% of the people were never going to die or get sick in the first place claiming anything about the wondrous intervention of vaccines in the absence of death or illness is simply an example of the kings new clothes.

Another example is filling the nation with illegal immigrants.  Ask yourself why they are leaving where they were born?  Better yet, for every immigrant coming in, make a trade.  You get to keep their land in the place they left, their businesses, and whatever else they owned, and their rights they had were they fled.  Oh, but they did not have any you say.  Well then take what ever they did have and go to where they came from and kill or run off whoever made their homeland as bad as it was.  Or send them home armed to the teeth so they can do it.  Vietnam and Afghanistan prove you can't do it for them. And don't yap about tough militaries.  The British got their ass kicked in the colonies - big tough guys, a bunch of goat herders in Afghanistan ran off the greatest military on earth and have gone back into power, and the Vietnamese lived in gopher holes and also drove off the
greatest military on earth.

Or how about being told we must agree with LBGTQ rights and transgender men competing with women.  Instead of allowing women to be bullied by men, a simple test which is irrefutable and will put the charade to rest once and for all is to pick 100 transgender men, by inspection of course, and tell them to show how they can get pregnant and grow a baby in their wombs, and deliver it through their birth canal. Oh, they can't do it, then they are not women but men in in spite of what their minds tell them they would like to be. Which is still OK, but fair is fair. That would only take nine months to test completely, and surgical alteration is not permitted.
Trans should compete with other trans people.  If not, just let them beat women up with sticks, if we are going to pick on women for some reason.
Smith' Rocks
As a sidebar, since at the present time questioning beliefs overriding facts is verboten, how about believing you are God?  Joseph Smith of Church of Mormon fame claimed he spoke to God and was instructed by golden plates to write the bible for the Church of Mormon. All he had to do is stick his head in a hat with special rocks in it, and the golden plates magically flew back to heaven. How did that work out?  Read the lengthy history of religion and the thousands of spin offs and you can see there is a real opportunity to use unquestionable beliefs to amass wealth, followers, influence. If you can believe you are a woman without a womb and cannot be questioned about it, then putting new Gods based on their ability to believe whatever they want, on the spot is going to be just as hard.  Just hope nobody asks you to raise the dead, walk on water, whither a fig tree, hold back the waters with a wave of your hands, or have babies without a womb.

Or how about promoting a gay lifestyle to vulnerable children. In a Republic, being gay is protected, as it should be, but so is not believing in it.  However speaking out against the misguided belief the functionaries have, that they alone set the rules we all must obey, is wrong.  Look at the attacks on Joe Rogan.  Again, fair game, but here is a gay lifestyle guide that promotes eating shit (human I suppose), getting fists shoved up your ass, and swallowing another person's urine, called golden showers. Is there a Joe Rogan moment here?  There has to be, and like for Rogan, fair is fair. Gay community members published the Gay Hanky Guide, now they can live with the behavior it describes, and although they may accept that behavior, those that do not have every right to object to it being taught to their children. Simply put, in a Republic, no matter what the functionaries say you don't have to agree to anything they say.

"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society." - Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1816.

"Bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression." - Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural, 1801

The bottom line is, Ukraine is a catastrophe of horrible leadership like all of the other examples cited above. If your read about it in detail, functionaries from the United States and NATO are responsible for the problem.  They are pushing a war to advance an agenda that benefits no one. The whole thing could have been resolved by America and Europe living up to their word, which they did not do, as is typical of lying, arrogant pieces of shit, and it resulted in the death of many people. 

But the real lesson is for you and I. We are lied to continually and often by the functionaries. They want to control us completely, and I frankly cannot stand that thought.  Putin standing up for Russia is like the French backing the colonists.  If US and European functionaries had not mislead the Ukraine and provoked a war, Ukraine could have lived as a buffer state and things would be much different.

It is horrible to contemplate, but a few hundred nukes landing in Europe and America may finally make the citizens mad enough not to go to war with Russia, but to find and kill off the real war criminals, the moronic functionaries that have been playing their stupid games with our lives for a long time.  They must go. No matter what happens in Ukraine, decently intelligent people can figure out who the real criminals are and it is now a matter of doing everything we can to get rid of them and punish them severely.

In the past we pointed out that the lies of propagandists provide a tremendous opportunity because they are easily discovered and can be used against them.  The war against the Ukraine promoted by the lying whores is one such example and should be a necessary but horrific turning point.  It cements the understanding that the people of all nations at all costs must get rid of the people behind the lies. The colonists saw that necessity over 200 years ago and prepared for it. Citizens have been getting rid of corrupt functionaries and the institutions and power groups they facilitate throughout history.

Jefferson said it best
"the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.

The Ukraine provocation should be a turning point. The world cannot continue with the people that have been temporarily appointed to represent us.  They must be removed, and everything they attempt to invoke must be overturned.  Most of humanity lives in nations that are not governed by these clowns.  The largest land masses and most of the people live somewhere else.  Eventually they will be the largest markets, in need of the greatest number of products, food and services, and allowing the world to be run by what are proving to be a dangerous bunch of fools is a recipe for disaster.  Worse yet, the number of Steve Jobs, Elon Musks, and the hundreds of Chinese, Russians, and Europeans that invented great things is minimal.  Billions of obedient lemmings who can't see past their car keys and bellies is not going to do it.